
This totally looks like the bathroom from the beginning of Silent Hill 2.

What are some examples? Which edits have impressed you the most from the movies you've seen?

Awww, I was hoping he'd draw more in the style of his original version.

Now they should switch and see which one comes out on top again...

Another way to think of it is that there is one World Chess Championship that is open to all genders. Then, separately, there is a women-only championship that women have the option to compete in as well.

No way!

(They were still in Republic City in that scene.)

I agree that higher frame rates definitely don't guarantee that a motion picture will look "better". That said, this isn't a live-action movie like The Hobbit, so motion, regardless of the frame rate, won't look the same. Whereas a live action movie could be shot at 12 FPS and, with a slow enough exposure time per

It's sort of both. Most displays on the market (other than professional-oriented editing monitors) are developed with those current consumer standards in mind. Even PC monitors, which have traditionally developed a bit more independently than televisions, are usually only better in pixel counts and response times now.

Nonetheless, it's still technically correct to label the PS4, XO, and Wii U as current-generation consoles, as they have each released fully into the market — more than six months ago, no less. However, to avoid confusion amongst those who may not see this technicality, I've sometimes heard "new-generation" used

Yeah, I have an older version of Android and Google Maps on my phone and none of the buttons or options Google mentioned showed up, despite following their directions. I was pretty disappointed, especially when they announced the business cards.

Knowing you, Bob, that should've been a GIF where the only major animation is a tear running down his face.


Okay, now that they have Pac-Man, they need the guy with the Pac-Man logo on his hat: Klonoa!

*breathing sounds*

Ah, you're right on both counts. I should've caught that.

The questions that need to be answered are:

The editing was pretty straight forward. It was the smaller bits of the camera's exposure and focus that were off. Most shots were slightly over or under exposed, and a few were even out of focus.

Oh, really? That's cool — from what I've heard it should be a nice competitor to offerings from Sony and Red.