
As someone who's a stickler for technicalities, I too am annoyed that neither the price nor the resolution actually have a value of three thousand or more. 3k video should be at least three thousand pixels horizontally (or 3072, really). There's a weird exception in the case of 4k and 8k where there are new standards

I'd say it's sort of like an exponential curve as the game progresses, eventually leading to a plateau after a certain point. When you reach a certain level in the game, you'll probably be able to make close to one million credits per race, or even more than a million for some (the longer ones). So, saving up the 20

A quick translation reveals that the text emitted from enemies that have been shot means the following:

Different activities within the city give you a different amount of style. You could, if you wanted, just keep buying stuff and doing the Loto-ID contest everyday, but it would take a while to accrue enough. Here's a breakdown of the different style levels associated with doing different tasks in the city:

Technically, "movie" is a shorthand version of the term "motion picture," any form of moving image regardless of recording medium. "Film" refers to the use of a particular recording medium (film, obviously) in the creation of a motion picture. In modern times, the word "film" is frequently used as a blanket

Is it just me, or do the thumbsticks look like they have a yellow-ish, green-ish tint to them? Is that just from the odd hand oils... ?

OOOH AAAH. Look at all those macro-blocks! (2:50 in the video)

Well, it supports resolutions up to 4096 x 3072 — nothing past that. Only special accounts can display videos in that resolution, though.

So, do you really hate an aspect of Smash Bros., or is it that you hate a particular attitude shown by certain people you've encountered who play that game?

That always annoyed me... I'd much prefer to go hat-less.

In standard Japanese, there are no explicit stresses on one part of a word versus another (though colloquially, and across dialects, this may change). Since Subaru is a Japanese company and has never, to my knowledge, changed their company's pronunciation across regions (unlike, oddly, the camera company Nikon), it

Accent aside, the two pronunciations are effectively the same.

Well, there needs to be a decent amount of 8k content first.

Well, that's only true given great enough viewing distances and pixel densities.

Yeah, though it'll take a few years before it really gets anywhere substantial in the consumer market. The distribution side isn't too challenging via the internet (and maybe via the next iterations of Blu-ray), but it's quite a massive infrastructural jump on the television side. Even if some users are willing to buy

Well, then do what makes you happy and let others do what makes them happy!

Soap operas are usually recorded at either 25 or 30 FPS depending on the world region in which they're produced. Because 30 FPS usually begets a 1/60-of-a-second shutter speed on the cameras used, motion blur is reduced quite a lot compared to traditional theater-viewed motion pictures. Less motion blur combined with

It's both.

Yeah, that's pretty much the only image I've seen showing someone holding the controller, as well.

Espurr is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful Pokemon I've ever known in my life.