
Totally. Now how will we retract our guns in MGS games without firing a shot? How will we lean out carefully and accurately from behind cover? What about those who like the classic Gran Turismo controls yet still want some options other than full throttle or brakes? :-(

Oh yeah, and for Smash it worked great. The game was tailored to that controller and didn't require another control axis as it was played in a two-dimensional plane.

Using the GCN's controller was always a weird experience for me. I'd pick it up and initially think that it was the best, most comfortable controller I'd ever used. After playing a bit of any particular game though, its quirks — like the slippery-feeling dual-action L and R buttons, a tiny C-Stick instead of a

If anything, it looked not big enough. Part of the reason the PS controller feels uncomfortable for many has to do with its short grips. It was pretty jarring for me, back in the day, transitioning from the N64's controller with lots of grip room, to the PS2's controller.

I was totally on board with the "boomerang" controller when it was announced. It looked really ergonomic, sleek, and like the whole controller was more condensed — what I saw as being better for quick button actions (and one of the few elements of the DS3 I still like better than the 360 controller). It was pretty

Right, though because the compression artifacts are so strong and macroblocking is so apparent, it tends to obscure fine detail overall. So, it then becomes a comparison of two blurry images, smearing over what little fine detail discrepancies may actually exist between the two.

Sure, everyone has different sensibilities when it comes to what constitutes an unacceptable image, or what element in an image becomes distracting most quickly.

Note that these kind of videos are most useful if you run them at 1080p.

Right. That, for me, was the most noticeable difference between the two.


cakestapler is just referring to how most higher-end cameras tend towards support of CF cards over SD cards and, thus, incur larger costs on their users for the same storage capacities.

Yep, definitely.

I think Adrian Brody could pull it off well. He has the stature and body type while being a decent enough actor.

I know, I know. Choosing not to grind in a role-playing game with levels and experience points? That's kind of like choosing not to go for headshots in a shooter! And yet, very little of X & Y's design—which always keeps you moving forward, always seeing and doing new things—suggests that staying in a few patches of

Just as some retailers have price-match guarantees, it would be nice to see some with "customer service match" guarantees. I.e., one shows Target that Amazon is handling the situation by providing customers with Launch Day versions, and Target responds by matching, or providing a close approximation of, Amazon's

I have to agree with the other posters here: this video started playing automatically out of nowhere and I had to jump through like ten tabs looking around for where it possibly could have originated. Your comment being way, way far down in the page didn't help either... Comedy Central's videos aren't under your

Let's just hope he doesn't go down the super-villain road, then.

Regardless of the accent mark, the "ke" or "ké" in Pokémon is spoken with a hard "K" and a short, abrupt "e" as in the English words "beck" and "set".

I ended up picking A, but my top three were A, F, and H. F seemed very balanced between some of the stylistic cues of the revised MN9 aesthetic and that of older Inafune games. H looked awesome in that it has such a simple, classic, Astro Boy-esque look. A just stood out to me as a nice counterpart to Beck's design —