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Or even just use the original orchestrated tracks from the show. They pretty much took all the music in the games and created amazing official orchestrations. It'd be cool to see them finally add in the full-quality tracks.

The issue of whether the designs of new Pokemon are becoming less creative over each generation is a fairly long-standing one; I'd venture to say that if you're hanging out around any Pokemon-related internet community large enough in size, you would probably have run into people raising the topic quite often.

It's not definitely illegal to use "Manhunt content" — it depends on what that content is an how it is being used.

You mean seven? IIRC seven is shichi in Tokyo dialect and nana in Kansai dialect... but it's been a while.

Owen actually mentioned xkcd specifically as an example of a comic that wouldn't be appropriate for this lineup. According to the criteria, it's too much of a general-purpose comic; there isn't enough of a focus on video games.

Wait that site and Valve's statements make absolutely no mention whatsoever of "hardware" in any capacity. Why would anyone say outright that they're teasing a specifically hardware-related announcement? Isn't that a bit presumptuous.

I'm interested, what do you see as the point of the Playboy sculpture?

I don't understand what that has to do with this issue.

Well, the Prada one was created by artists independent of Prada in order to make a statement about the company and the culture surrounding it. Prada contributed to the piece only after being asked by the original artists.

Yeah, I'd say that description matches the character's tropes perfectly.

Yep. It's a reference to Journey to the West, an oft-referenced 16th century novel/folk tale. There've been many adaptations and allusions to the story and its characters across a plethora of media. I'm not familiar with the LoL roster, but if there's a monkey-like character (or one with a monkey's tail) with a red

Well, if you want to be ultra technical, motor boats are a type of automobile.

Don't take this the wrong way, but isn't that chain of logic similar to what's used by anti-violent video game advocates. I.e., replace "review scores" with "violent video games" and "over-simplify and overreact" with "hurt people and commit violent acts"? E.g: "Violent video games encourage us to hurt people and

Check in the game's options to see if it supports alternate color schemes for those with color deficiencies. I don't have the game, so I can't be sure if those options exist, but I know options like that have become more common recently.

More like Chinkochu or Pikachinko...

A Good Match For: Shooter fans longing for a new Battlefront game, who know deep down they're probably never going to get one.

Well, the name "PlayStation" is camel cased (i.e. it has medial capital letters) with the S in "Station" being uppercase despite the name being a single, compound word. Because of that, it's a bit more reasonable to abbreviate the name with two capital letters instead of one: PS, or PS4.

Well, I've yet to abbreviate it out loud yet, but in the world of text I go for the standard, logical "XO". Also, when you do speak it, it sounds like "exo" which is kinda snazzy...

I'm not a legal expert, no. I'm just stating my opinion based on what I think I know about the history of video game court cases pertaining to IP infringement. You're more than welcome to take whatever perspectives I write with a grain of salt.