
I don't see there being any substantial legal issues with this. As he said, Inafune has made an effort to re-invent the game as a wholly original property. I'm sure he has a legal team as well that has vetted, on at least a basic level, the game's content to make sure it didn't infringe on other companies' IP.

It's just regular smartphone video, but the application limits you to only six seconds. Combined with the social networking power of Twitter, the videos can be spread and watched quickly and easily.

"but he's acting like they have piles of cash just sitting around and it's not a big deal, which sounds awfully shady to me. If Double Fine had the money sitting around, why Kickstarter the game? $40,000 is the smallest potatoes in the world of game development, after all. And where are these piles of supposed cash

what happens if they don't sell a single copy of the first half? Or if sales are simply poor?

As ThreeOneFive posted, you must not be familiar with Tim Rogers' articles.

Needs this as a backing track:

After a lot of testing a study was released several years ago which identifies 8.5k to 9k as the minimum video resolution to capture the equal of a frame of film.

In English, we do that, too, but we tend to anglicize the words to make them more compatible with the language. Japanese does much less forced adapting, and will even maintain original character sets for given words.

Isn't "accidentally trolls" an oxymoron?

It's okay, you don't need to tell anyone that, anyway.

Well, the whole "mega" labeling only originated in the English dub. To my knowledge, the Japanese Digimon-related media never used the word.

Recent Panasonic and Olympus glass has been comparable to some of Canon's lower-end L series of lenses, and third-party companies like Sigma have some amazing options in the works, as well.

Yeah, I had heard rumors that the GX7 would have some sort of in-body stabilization, but I don't see anything about that mentioned here...

When you do as many pushups as him, a normal diet just won't cut it!

FYI: Tim just mentioned your comment in a podcast he was doing... :-P

He's 34, I think.

It's also edited horrendously. There are random cuts from gameplay camera angles to independently controlled camera angles, jumping around between different compositions, random inserts of a security camera and a truck that seem independent of context... it's just sloppy. The pacing of the cuts is also kind of wonky,

Wait, did they actually control the copter with an Oculus Rift, or just use it as a monitor?

because I don't think this "OMG, we got so much money we can't finish the job on time" excuse is going to fly again.