
Pffft. Well, I live near Philly, so it obviously should've been there. It just makes more sense.

He took a job as the news editor at

There's this well put-together map over on Serebii that connects all the different regions from across the various Pokemon games. The exact positioning is estimated, but well researched.

It uses the name "Zelda" in its title, however. It's one line of thinking to make an homage of a property, it's another entirely to use that property's name in selling a product.

Are you trying to infer that the CGI might have been rendered at fewer frames-per-second than the rest of the movie? I doubt such a colossally-budgeted production would skimp on CGI costs purely due to rendering time.

No representation of The Boss? For shame, people!

Why are you blaming the interface that is the Game Pad for the issues of lacking power and long load times, which are clearly console-related. In other words, it's the console powering the Pad that has those problems, not the pad itself.

I agree; looking at the frame rate as a creative tool, as opposed to some unequivocal "next-step" in filmmaking, makes the most sense. aAbstraction caused by the use of any particular frame rate is inherent, yes. Maybe I was focusing too much on one part of your sentence, but yeah, it makes sense that there would be a

Remember: games are rendered graphics displayed on a screen, while images in film/video are created from light.

Like storymark pointed out, most home video shooting uses 30 FPS, not 60.

But is not the abstraction you enjoy, at least in part, preconditioned? Or do you think that everyone, universally, having never seen a piece of motion picture content before, would choose the 24 FPS footage?

That must be your laugh of relief and elation at the thought of playing such potentially amazing games! I'm glad you're looking forward to them too!

... but you're spending money that could otherwise be saved.

You seem to be trying to place this trailer chronologically after MGS1, though we know from MGS2 that Liquid Snake's body was used as a genetic decoy for Solid Snake escaping the Tanker Incident, having people presume him dead. So obviously, if they were able to get a hold of Liquid's body for that purpose, he must've

Now we'll get to compare what Joakim and Kojima eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I wonder how different a game developer's diet is in Stockholm versus Tokyo...

Thanks, I appreciate the effort.

I mean, I'm also interested to see more of Solidus's backstory... but I'm just not sure how it could be him. Honestly, the robot arm thing could actually be possible knowing the MGS universe.. haha.

Solidus lost his left eye, and did so while fighting Raiden and Snake in MGS2.

My take: