
I get why people like his stuff, like, in general terms; if it seems like I’m saying “EVERYTHING HE’S EVER DONE IS GARBAGGGGE” then I’m sorry for coming off that way. And you’re totes right about the subjectivity of comedy.

Ah, yes, the “I’m totally right no matter how full of shit I am” attempt to win an argument.

Is dishonest ad hominem—a way of dismissing an argument not because of its reasoning, but because your made up fantasy about my motives.

So to be clear: I’m confused, because we disagree with each other on a thing, and I’m focusing on that disagreement? You do understand that that’s insane, right?

“being accused of mounting an argument that ultimately, no matter how logical your argument is, only serves your emotional needs.”

But—we don’t really agree, apparently, unless you’ve changed your view on your initial post, which I initially replied to and you were dismissive of my reply to?


Your objection to my pointing out you’d veered off topic makes no sense. It’s still a new direction—like, no, I get it. But it didn’t make sense as a response to what I said, nor does this response make sense, either. It’s like if you said “Hey, people pick red and blue paint”, and I said “Red and blue are both

Don’t confuse disagreement with a failure to understand. I DO get the distinction you’re drawing. But I’m talking about moral principles. Workplace conditions that affect you are different than taking a moral stand in general, for certain. But that wasn’t the original point of discussion, which is why I kept things in

Well, thank you for bringing up an actual point! (Whenever I make my admittedly blase comments about my feelings regarding his relative lack of particular talent, I get a lot of “fuck you” and not a lot of “here’s what I think was good...”). Plus with the way Kinja nests replies I doubt you can really derail.

So, your answer is “I can’t identify anything amazing, so I’m going to throw out a stupidly invalid insult as though that’s not petulant idiocy”?

Well, let’s be clear, here, you said you were “not sure it’s possible to be fully employed in the entertainment industry if you refuse to work with people who are guilty of sexual exploitation”, so don’t talk about a “convenient line to draw” about him abusing his own kid—that’s YOU putting a line in out of the blue,

Actually, that’s exactly the solution.

Can you point to what’s “amazing” about anything he’s done? I really don’t see anything special. Is it the rampant sexism? Is it the nebbishness? What is so special about his movies?

I just wrote an essay touching on this. As an old going back to college, I’m really stunned that we’re still having this discussion. I had to read a Woody Allen piece in the literature class I just took, and the entirety of my essay was basically: Fuck you. I mean, politely. But it was that short “play” about Death.

Well, now, let’s be fair—I can totally see why they’d think that they’re out to kill whites. I mean, given how often a “hand” is confused with a “gun” by these kind of idiots people, it probably looks to them like they’re pointing guns right at them.

Can someone ELI5 why colleges should be doing these investigations at all, rather than the police? Don’t get me wrong: The police often suck. Our laws often suck (as evidenced by the link that link TheVagenius posted), too. But they’re accountable to the public at large. They’re accountable to the judiciary. They’re

Are...are we going to talk about the “poop cake” thing?

This does nothing to solve anything, as far as I can see. I know from the links others have posted that Sweden claims that it worked great, but I didn’t see any real data there, at least not in the article being posted. The link being posted about Germany is likewise not data-driven, and speaks more to the problems of

This isn’t really a “debate”. The correct answer is “no”. Any other answer is child abuse.