As someone else noted in a different thread, but this episode was directed by Erica Hayes so pretty sure that end scene is them dunking on their haters. And Summer played the starring role in several eps last season, I’m sure we’ll see more of her.
As someone else noted in a different thread, but this episode was directed by Erica Hayes so pretty sure that end scene is them dunking on their haters. And Summer played the starring role in several eps last season, I’m sure we’ll see more of her.
The rabid fanbase is the evolution of Gamergate....
I am glad other people remember this. Duel servers were amazing. You would just see Like and the Emperor shooting the shit and then a random Twi’lek would ask if anyone was down to duel and everyone would watch. Truly a game for a more civilized age.
That’s totally reasonable. It seems excessive for no reason.
An aside, but I do find it ironic that it’s typically right of center who constantly talk about how the free market is great and solves all problems are the ones who get furious when the market offers alternatives like Impossible and almond milk to vegan/vegetarian/health-conscious consumers.
But yeah I am sure there…
True. They are almost as important as having freshly straightened hair in a combat suit.
The second I saw he was an artist from Riot it was obvious what to expect. It is remarkably on brand for their style.
Hey that hip to waist ratio seems a little ridiculous...
While a lot of people think the third shoe is supposed to be in the middle, real sneakerheads realize that the left foot goes in the third shoe and left shoe is only for special occasions.
The Chrono Trigger run alone is probably an insane record. It raised over $850k in under 6 hours and I think the Lavos fight alone raised $100k to push it over the $3mil mark.
My favorite is how David Brooks pretends that he genuinely cares for the Democrats when he straight up left the party in the 80s.
Have you considered that you don’t actually want the “wonder of childhood exploration” but just want to relive the nostalgia of your own childhood in a higher definition than you could have originally?
Here is the explanation from the actual site
Drew, I, like everyone else, am so happy you are recovering. But as a med student, I also want to thank you for writing this. We get to see you for maybe 5 minutes every morning before rounds, listen to your heart and lungs, poke your stomach, and ask you who the president is and how pooping went last night. Then we…
Also the Genie popping in and out of the streets, actively changing shit up in the parade highlights just how batshit crazy of a character Aladdin now has in his corner. He literally gives Aladdin the power to effortlessly lift up 6 men as a throwaway gag. It’s one of the most fun scenes in the movie and all they kept…
Uh the lack of Hamill/DCAU joker in the top 3 is extremely egregious.
It is a farming simulator, but unfortunately the game designers insist on “being a productive member of the larger community” and “going on a journey for self-fulfillment.” I just want to plant my strawberry plants in peace ok.
It’s a pretty good game, I would check it out.