Blade of Change

The vast majority of Starbucks I have been to really just stagnate between 20% to 60% full occupancy. Plenty of people are happy to take their drink and go. And as student who basically studied at coffee shops, most shops were happy to have us there because it made the coffee shop look popular. Also almost no one tips

Starbucks actively encourages free refills on basic drinks. And baristas are paid hourly not on commission. Not to mention this guy was tipping the baristas, which is better than 99% of the population when it comes to getting refills. Unless your kids were managers or in corporate, why the hell would they be hurt by

To be fair the original TIE Advanced model from Lucasfilms has 4 ion engines:

Baseball hat etiquette is probably another great example of how easily people get pissed off over dumb shit. Case and point, this 1994 NYT articles talking about the big deal that happened because Ken Griffey Jr. liked to wear his cap backwards and how that pissed off other teams’ managers.

Totally. Also it help that it’s a big slap in the mouth for all of the New Hitler’s Youth who rap Lose Yourself to have their own idol to tell them to go fuck themselves. 

This is such a dumb critique. Honestly I would hope they were precooked given I plan on waiting exactly 2 minutes in the drive thru after ordering a crunchwrap supreme. Frozen precooked meat is at least clean and disease free, if completely devoid of nutritional value.

The level of attention to detail in this show is amazing. One Persian stray observation:
The ayatollah begins his fatwa by saying: “This so-called ‘actor’ named Larry David, maybe you know him from that show Seinfeld...” 

Definitely not a subtle joke. I assume Nasim is going to be sent to Gitmo and the Bride-Groom-Barber will hunt Larry down for getting her locked up.

I mean “Father-Son Kamehameha” is Teen Gohan’s signature attack. Like Final Flash and Makankosappo it’s only useful in like really specific situations but everyone knows they look so fucking cool. And honestly it looks way cooler than any specific move Adult Gohan does. His only “special” beam attack in the show is

Yep. My mom always gets SSSS because she has the Muslim equivalent of “Smith” as a last name, and there have been a few times where I have stepped into the line and suddenly the TSA decides everyone needs to be swabbed for bomb residue. The only exception is in LAX, where a TSA agent walked up to me and asked if I

Personally I blame Chrome on mobile for being dumb. Everytime I open a Google search bar result it creates a new Chrome tab. They need to think of a better design behavior for the tab metaphor on mobile, because it isn’t analogous to the metaphor on desktop.

Pshhhhhhhhhh Raspberry Pi sold out in 2014. Real punks still write code for assemblers on Arduino Unos.

This. When you don’t start pushing back against their dog whistle they just start saying it out loud in public. They assume the lack of objection means that people agree with them now. That’s the mindset that led to Charlottesville and the whole swath of hate crimes that have gone up over the past year.

Dude Nazis are the worst man. Stealing swastika from Hindus, the term Aryan from Iranians and Indians, Kek from WoW players, and fucking Pepe from a laid-back illustrator. Fuck them.

Yeah the not alt-right trolls lost 4chan shortly after 2010. All the non-racists went to Reddit. Granted Reddit isn’t too much better anymore.

Honestly I wouldn’t sweat it over the HIV virus one. As a med student, I had many professors that would refer to the “HIV virus” and no one even thought about it. I think we do it because mentally HIV refers to the abstract concept of the disease, and saying “HIV virus” was useful when the professor wanted to

Well thanks now I’m blind.

Pepe Rapazote was probably the most fun, if one of the most sadistic, actors to watch this season. His mindfuckery in the barbershop scene makes up for the fact that the directors thought I would somehow view Gabriel Iglesias counting down as intimidating.

Alright gramps. I’m glad you took time out of your busy schedule of writing your thinkpiece about how Marshall Fields was a superior company to Montgomery Ward to call out my punkness. 

I mean yes all interstates are freeways, but there are also non-interstate US highways and state highways which have no stops as well which you can call freeways.

As long as you don’t call the part of a highway with stops a freeway and you don’t call an interstate a route, we are fine.