
I love all these comments such as, “I’m sure he’s a shit head and I would hate his policies, because he has an (R) next to his name - but he did one thing I like so I will begrudgingly acknowledge that while underscoring my belief that Republicans are evil!”

Wait, wait, wait, WAIT. We live in a world where ANYONE thinks $100 million for an MLS stadium is a good idea?

Alternate title-

Hahahahaahah! The only 2 real candidates? We literally had ZERO real candidates. Trump was/is a loud mouthed blowhard, Clinton was a criminal, and Sanders was a socialist. This entire election was effed and no matter who won we’d be/are screwed.

No Soviet source is like saying “the hacker is not a bear.”

Hopefully it’s the year VR peaks and then plummets to it’s inevitable death like 3D tvs.

Silver takes the blame because he’s the mascot of the super-scientific secret-sauce predictions crowd, but him and the Upshot guys and the Princeton Election Consortium nerds and everyone else who convinced us the Democrats had this one in the bag all have to look in their mirrors every night for the rest of their

Take Nate Silver off this list

Shouldn’t Hamilton Nolan be at the top of this list?

Was this article written 8 years ago? It appears to be an accurate description of how the Obama administration has engaged with media.
What I crave from media is an entity who is adversarial to ALL political entities, regardless of party affiliation.
Trump as president will hopfully motivate media and Congress to be

Certainly no reporters ever cozied up to the Obamas, Bushes, or Clintons in order to gain access. The press has set a bad precedent for years, pretending to give a shit about this issue now is disingenuous. You should be concerned, the fact that you weren’t until Dear Leader Trump got elected is problematic...

Funny how you discovered and decided to report on regulatory capture as soon as your horse lost the big race.

This is “fake news”..... /s

“If anyone can get me a job as a Wall Street strategist please let me know.”

I’m remembering how 4 years ago Obama was laughing at Romney for even suggesting that Russia might be a threat still. I’m remembering how we sent them a reset button. A shiny red reset button.

I would like to commend Gizmodo on actually publishing an article that has something to do with gizmos and technology. I may not agree with your conclusions, but it was refreshing to not see any political gawker bullshit in your article. Thank you for NOT ruining another article!

One source of oxygen depletion has been discovered.....

Now playing

Oh good, Bill Nye the Fascist Guy all set to propagandize another generation. This guy is a real nasty piece of work. (Watch this and try to get the new theme song out of you head...)