
It’s always amusing to me when Americans - whose government has supported countless coups and bloodthirsty regimes -refer to cyber attacks as an act of war.

Don’t worry, It will be fine, I have it on good authority that voter fraud never happens.

Well, at least it’s realistic. If you zoom in, you can see that the upper deck seats are empty and everybody outside is walking away from the stadium.

Most Unexpected Success?

Wow...that was actually an interesting read. Thank you!

Probably not; Splash hasn’t enjoyed even a fraction of the popularity or longevity as the Ghostbusters franchise.

Once again this shows the deliberate miscomprehension of statements when convenient.

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I tend to believe this guy (he majorly spoils it 8:30):

Don’t forget; This movie looks GOOD. If you dislike it, it’s only because of the female cast and you’re a BIGOT.

Good story.

So few on Gizmodo these days, that I felt compelled to pass along the compliment.
Carry on. Do good work. Stay in touch.

Nothing to see here, people! Move along!

Man, I’m trying to keep an open mind, but Ghostbusters is just baffling to me. You want to completely start this franchise from scratch with no link to the original movies (even though that hyper-confusing first trailer referred to “4 scientists 30 years ago”), but you want to keep using iconography from the original

Okay, so devil’s advocate here, but isn’t their whole point that we don’t know for sure what the long term effects are since we don’t have any long term data yet? She says that they know that right now we aren’t aware of any, but if you’re going to go to a country where it is possible/probably you will contract a new

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Those details of the character backstories in the new Ghostbusters perfectly match the claimed leaked plot that came out a few weeks back.

Update: the Australian governmental agency for scientific research says:


“We’ve reached out to Best Buy for comment on this hilarious matter.”

“divorce based on your employment status, education, race, and gender.”

Government doesn’t force you to give them a copy of your front door, mail box, office, master room, bath room, safe, etc keys just in case you become a suspect. They can develop their own way to open the lock when they get warrants. Just because it’s hard to open, doesn’t mean you need to duplicate your keys for them.

No... this really is one of those times when being an absolutist is the right thing to do. You can’t kind of create a security flaw in the same way you can’t be kind of pregnant. You either do it, or you don’t.