
Here: I’ll compound it by saying that “The Orville” is better in every conceivable way and Seth McFarlane has a better grip on what it means to be a star trek show than any of the show-runners since TNG.

Now you can get emotional about how I’m wrong.

It’s the circle of nerdrage.

Democrats run the West Coast. Why isn’t this problem solved? Oregon and California could make their income taxes much more progressive. Why not a 20% rate if you make $275K instead of 10.3% or 9.9%?

Pack people in tighter, discourage cars, require a much higher percentage of Sec 8 units.

the ways science relates to justice and equity

Now playing

It’s only because this clip of DS9 Episode “In the pale moonlight” isn’t longer...(and is on youtube).

Wait, they added a mall feature to their maps. Because you know, malls are just booming in the States. I can’t wait for them to add a notification for when my members only jacket is ready to be picked up from the dry cleaner.....

but a lot of people I’ve met said that show is only good for the space battles

You do realize that corporations hedge their bets by donating to both sides in an election, right? If this is news to you, then you’ve been living under a rock.

The truth is that CA doesn’t have a water problem, they have a storage problem. And with the recent crisis averted, CA politicians will ignore the needed infrastructure needed to support the population that doubled since the last projects were completed. They’ll just kick that can down the road a few years and waste

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

I think the idea is that it’s good to make it about promoting science and scientific funding in government, but without making it into a black and white “Democrats good, Republicans bad” narrative. If you make it too political, you risk alienating more middle-of-the-road scientists. Plus there’s a conflict of interest

Taxing robots is a stupid idea. So basically tax a business simply because they want to become more efficient? This is about as asinine as it get imo. Putting automation in is something that every company would love to do because machines don’t get hurt, don’t take sick days, and work 24/7 no matter what. This

Out goes Firefly and X-Files, in comes Bill Nye and Dear White People? Maybe its time to start saving $10 a month?

The discretionary budget accounts for 1/3rd of the actual budget. 54% of 1/3rd is not the same, or even remotely the same, as 54% of the whole thing.

Fake news pairs up really well with bad reporting. Like Jezebel had an article last week about how the US spent 54% of its budget on the military. That was blatantly false and apparently had been lifted from a facebook post.

I’m confused.

a faked document making its way to national press feeds into their (and Trump’s) narrative that the media are liars.

Why did this take so long to get up and why is it buried on Gizmodo?

You have got to be kidding me. I read this site daily which has article about how technology will fix everything. And now that someone you don’t like mimics this sites regular reason for existence you claim to take the high road? We all know tech has its problems but that doesn’t change the fact that all of you tech

Sophie, for real...what’s the endgame here?

I am struggling to see what is so wrong with what he said that you needed to write this article about it. Care to elaborate?