
Yes. Math. And 1/500th just sounds way worse.

He ‘fits the description.’

Thank goodness that police have been trained to de-escalate such situations and this young man was reunited with his family after the police competently sorted the situation out and reprimanded the security guard for his overzealous policing of black bodies. Here’s to the Sacramento police for doing things the right

The summer after my senior year in high school, I worked for a moving company that specializes in moving soldiers overseas, and there were a shit ton of soldiers who needed to be moved 15-18 hour days, 7 days a week. We would makes the overseas crates in our ‘boneyard’ in 105 degree heat. We would drive to the fort

If her book did fantastically well, like it MIGHT have before she became internet infamous, she would have cleared maybe 20-30K, so charitably 1/50th what she is asking for in her lawsuit. Now that she’s torpedoed her book’s chances, it wouldn’t have sold out the first run, so the publisher would get soaked and she

Additional rules: 1. the car that is merging cedes right of way to cars in the lane being merged into. If you are in the right lane and a car is merging, you do not HAVE to move over to let them in. If you’ve got nothing but space around you, it may be nicer or more expedient, but not REQUIRED. If traffic is heavy,

Flip it. If Chad and Becky were Navajo, and the baby was white, the adoption would never have been an issue. It wouldn’t have been considered an option. But white people never met anything they didn’t feel entitled to, including and especially anything from non white people.

How much energy is spent generating heat against LGBTQIA? All of it is wasted. I grew up homophobic. I was a jerk to a musician I knew who came out trans. I would call people gay as an insult. But then I became an adult, and with my adult brain not encumbered by the ignorance I marinated in for 20 years, it seemed

I hate that from the first moment I heard about this story, I knew he killed her. That poor baby. And her mama KNEW who she was giving her to. All of it is just the worst.

I call BS. Citation, please. I’ll give you mine:

Police are big Robbins fans. They don’t shoot black people to hurt or kill them. They are shooting them to toughen them up against bullets. The kindly white people want black people to be bulletproof, immune to racial slurs, unfazed by incarceration. It all makes sense now.

I miss you, Mr. President. I will never call that lion-skin-wearing-donkey-motherfucker by your title. 

I’m so far ahead of this one. I’ve been boycotting Wrangler since 1969, so take that, Lil Nas X.

i was in a North Carolina bank to cash a check. Once they willingly gave me my $43.47, I was lawfully entitled to have them empty their vault, right? 

Isn’t it amazing that if you talk to the actual people who have had an experience, you get more accurate information that you could just by thinking about it in abstract? It’s almost like, and I’m going to go out on a limb here, experience is a good teacher. Where was this published? Was it “the Journal of No Shit,

He’s wrong, but he’s not incorrect. Look at what’s happened since. Despite all the outrage of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, 5 years later the man who murdered Eric Garner stills sleeps in his own bed every night, still goes into the office 5 days a week, still collects a paycheck every two weeks. He

This is just like when a dog ‘for some reason, only growls at people.’ The problem is not with the dog, just like the problem here ain’t with the 3 year old.

Proper. Does Rare Bird publish any titles I might be interested in? (Other than aforementioned Subway Susan’s book)

How about before giving the supposed professional in this interaction the authority to tase or shoot or incarcerate someone who is suspected of a minor traffic infraction, we also hold them to an expectation that they will remain professional and calm even in the face of someone who isn’t behaving ideally? How about

When I was a kid, not only did they make sure that no one was denied a lunch for not being able to pay, but if you didn’t bring a lunch, they made you take one and then made you eat it. I was a super picky eater, so I would spend some lunchtimes hiding in the bathroom stalls so I wouldn’t be forced to eat.