They say no to segregation? Segregation is COMPLETELY appropriate in the face of communicable disease. Especially when there is a safe and effective vaccine that they CHOOSE not to get.
They say no to segregation? Segregation is COMPLETELY appropriate in the face of communicable disease. Especially when there is a safe and effective vaccine that they CHOOSE not to get.
There are times when women who are clearly not in labor want to stay in the belief that if they stay they will be induced. I have seen women sent home when the situation was a little iffy, but I’ve never heard of a mom being asked to wait until she was dilated to 4 cm. There is no way for her to check, and if she is…
I sure Trump doesn’t mind being called trash. What would really get under his skin is tweeting that he’s a loser, which I vow to do on the daily after he loses 2020.
Gaston is one cool customer. My question: if he can be that cool when actually being threatened with a gun, why are all these white cops so trigger happy when confronting unarmed black folk?
List of what matters, ranked:
He’s got to be white. In the books Prince Elric was an albino. And the best not forget Stormbringer and Moonglum.
Well, if Little Mermaid II is considered canon, they can crossbreed with humans, which makes them at least close cousins to humans. My point was that if you’re going all in on biological realism and assume they wouldn’t be darkly pigmented because of living in the depths (although orca are pretty dark-skinned) then…
Can confirm. My wife, when she was in college, was going out with her white friends and had forgotten her ID. She told her friends to go in ahead and find any black girl and ask to borrow her ID. They did, and they came back with an ID that looked absolutely nothing like her, but it worked, completely unchallenged.
Butbutbutbut...Ariel(and Santa and Jesus) is just white! AAANNND the ‘factually correct’ mermaid would have a few hundred pounds of blubber, looking more like a manatee than a petite princess weighing in at a buck oh five.
Skiers (like me) are old. Among young whippersnappers, skiers are very much the minority. The exclusive resorts will age out of the skiers only restrictions, because all of us will die eventually.
I keep coming back to this story and wonder why it hasn’t generated more interest and outrage. Are children from developing merely easily disposable instaprops whose only purpose is generating lauds and props and feel goods for privileged white people? I am appalled, bemused, and horrified not only because of this…
This is one of the most prolific female serial killers Iv’e heard of. 100 babies. Genene Jones only killed 60 max, Aileen Wuornos only killed seven. She needs to be arrested and extradited.
How close were they to ‘He’s going for my gun!!’ and then POWPOWPOWPOW! ?
Whoopi was not mean-spirited or shaming. Her words reflected a pragmatic view of cybersecurity, especially for female celebs who have a target on their backs. What she lacked was a clear expression of who did the wrong thing and who caused the harm to Bella Thorne. Whoopi does slap her with some “you should have…
Will someone please explain to the police that they will make a lot more money, and their assassinations will be a lot more ethical if they just hire themselves out for mob hits.
Every single cop who is subscribed to a racist or supremacist group should be publicly outed , fired, and banned from police work. This shit is like gangrene, you cut it out, even if it means losing your foot, or your leg. Fuck all of them.
Surprisingly congressional Republicans had no comment on Trump’s statements, and when pressed on the issue, Mitch McConnell put a half of a dozen marbles in his mouth and said “Cank kahk, I gok mabbov im my mowf.”
I don’t think we are considering the MRA (or is it MRE-meals ready to eat) side of things: If we outlaw men raping women then we have to outlaw women raping men, and I know the logic is convoluted and straw-manny but bear with me, women will rape men and get pregnant and then men have their rights stripped away and…
Gabe’s story is remarkable for her incredible resilience and determination in the face of her illness, her openness in sharing her fight, her advocacy in championing research in rare cancers, and above all her ability to connect with and inspire other. I can’t think of any athlete as universally loved by members of…