
Bad apple’ cops are not a glitch of law enforcement, they are a feature. They exist and are fostered by the same system that can gerrymander congressional districts to disenfranchise black voters, imprison black bodies at a rate 5 times higher than whites, cause black families to be 3 times more likely to live in

Color me beyond surprised that her video doesn’t support Encinia’s version of events. I’m even more surprised that this evidence wasn’t released to the public or Sandra Bland’s family attorneys. It almost makes me believe that we are living in a world where white supremacy is still the law of the land and where Black

This is senseless. First, there is no evidence that testosterone that is naturally high is a performance enhancer. Second, even if it is, this is not an athlete who is cheating or gaming the system. She is who she is. Throughout athletics, there are preternaturally gifted athletes who are born with advantages that

I said what I meant, but when people started calling me out, I realized I didn’t mean what I meant so it’s like I never said it. When I said black, I didn’t mean black like black people, I meant Black like the Obamas who, um yes, are black people, but they’re not black people like the, uh, you know, THOSE black

A functioning criminal justice system would deal with righting wrongs, compensating damages, rehabilitating people with problems, and protecting the public from those who would endanger it until such time as that protection is no longer needed. Punishment should be the lowest priority in a system that truly works.

I saw the same footage with a ‘cop vision’ filter, and you can clearly see on it the so-called ‘couple’ singing ‘love songs’ were really ISIS linked MS-13 gang bangers who were dual wielding AK-47’s and were running toward the police, firing, with a knife, and another knife all while the police were calmly trying to

I agree, to an extent, and I personally like to look nice and put together, but I would never impose MY views on someone else who is a grown person. I don’t know their life. 

I really don’t like the pajamas and house shoes in public, but I completely support the right of any parent to look frumpy at school. And hair bonnets or wraps? Principal, please, do you know how much time it takes out of the day to fix hair? Especially if it’s natural? Next.

I have used this defense myself. Didn’t work.I swear I never did know it was a school zone, but I still had to pay the $250 fine for going 45. It won’t work for Aunt Becky, neither.

The number of microwave dings doesn’t matter for me, because if I’m not in the room, I don’t hear it, and if I am in the room, I have to pretend like Its a bomb and try to stop the countdown right at 0:01, like some big damn hero bomb technician on TV, so if I ever hear the ding, half of Miami has just slid into the

I’m not worried about Trump getting re-elected. I ASSUME he will be. I ASSUME he will not be impeached or face any repercussions for his actions. Despite his obvious, glaring deficiencies, he has tapped into the conservative zeitgeist, and they will be faithful to him as the Democrats are way too criminally

When someone says they are pro-life, see how they feel about contraception. That always tells you where they are really coming from. If someone really hates abortion, they should be contraception’s biggest cheerleader, because accessible, free (or cheap) contraception is by far the most powerful way to reduce

“I am sorry that ... [the] lesson was offensive to some of you—we won’t repeat it,” Really?

Brett was always my Favrete

I grew up when Tiger Woods was superhuman, on such a level that even though he was the prohibitive favorite, we still cheered him on. Then he was suddenly very human,  and the fall was shocking. Now that he has clawed his way back to the top, his very human victory is all the more powerful.

Janelle Monae is a generational recording artist, but LIVE? Live she is transcendent. I saw her in a cold and wet outdoor show in KC, and she was worth every second of it. The artistry and the showmanship were incomparable. 

Totally miscalled the story based on the headline. I thought the mother was going to be ticketed for breastfeeding while actually driving a vehicle in motion.  This was so anticlimactic.

Athletic ability aside. Bosa has the kind of attitude that will carry him far in the NFL. Look, I know he’s not a wideout, but if anyone deserves the number 88, its him.

Don’t go to bed, with no price on your head - No, no, don’t do it.
Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time - Yeah, don’t do it.
And keep your eye on the sparrow.
When the going gets narrow.

‘I am Pro-life!’ Yeah right. For all 9 months of a pregnancy, but not after birth. You sure as fuck aren’t pro-life for black people, who are 45% of the death row population but only 12% of the general population in Texas. Admit it. You aren’t ‘pro-life’, you’re pro pregnancy-as-punishment-for-sex.