
Patiently waiting for everything to be XCOM.

You act like the Xbox Series X|S solid state drive is significantly slower. It’s not.

Is it just me, or do the graphics look like they need another 6-12 months in the oven, especially the battle sequences 

It’ll be fine just wait a year and the modders will have it in an actual playable state 

I don’t fully understand why the wait for this game became a meme. 2019 announcement —> 2022 release date doesn’t seem all that outlandish.

Looking forward to the next crop of “All Games Should Have an Easy Mode” articles when this game drops. 


Oddly negative tone at the end of the article, which is unusual, since as you said, Miyazaki’s titles have been quite strong.

Assault on Dragon Keep is the single best piece of content in all of Borderlands, so a big standalone game using Bunkers and Badasses (the Borderlands version of D&D) as an excuse to go full fantasy is a great, great idea.

BL2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I absolutely loathe Borderlands 3. Since this

I don’t need a wayback machine I lived it. And we hated the idea of being forced to download Steam. Even if you went out and bought it, you had to deal with their online crap.

Yeah, this really hits home for me. Whenever I hear of someone dying from this it shakes me to my core. I was incredibly lucky...I fell to the ground with my phone just within reach. 

Whats the consumer benefit? Epic hasn’t solved dlc or lootboxes, the games cost the same, and the epic store is still so barebones as a platform and service that its a joke. The only benefit is to publishers.

The original Dark Forces might be our Best Star Wars Game Ever”

I’m definitely snobbish about mobile gaming... Every once in a while I catch myself and think, “hmm, that’s probably not fair, let’s have a look what mobile gaming is like these days” but it always seems to be getting worse.

I think its possible the type of competitive scene that follows that style of gameplay, is more potentially beneficial than class deathmatch with respawns.

I also prefer class deathmatch where people just shoot eachother nonstop for 20 minutes, but I can see why they’d rather aim for something a little more competitive.

I might be wrong, but I’m starting to notice that many anime fans these days, especially Shonen fans, care way more about superior animation quality and cool fight scenes than plot. Just look at how popular and revered Jujutsu Kaisen is, even though it has some of the laziest character development that I’ve seen in an

Hmmm... I would say that it only ruins Twitch if the streams you normally watch are doing it too. Otherwise ignore those streams and it’s not a problem. Shrug 

It didn’t take long for you to go back to the well on this one Nathan. You have to love one brave woke man’s journey to support the feminist cause by posting as many risque pics of underage cam girls as he can pack into an article. And then doing the same article two weeks later with a bunch of new girls and pics.

15% is “a convenient amount for us to use your money to write off on OUR taxes”

The "bigger balls" one just cracks me up because I've never heard a single man or women ever complain about the size of their potential hook-ups balls.