Honestly, it was a weaker year overall for high-profile games, which definitely helped Hades shine imo.
Honestly, it was a weaker year overall for high-profile games, which definitely helped Hades shine imo.
Steven Smeagal.
A lot of folks know him as Jeffrey Kaplan, but he’ll always be “Tigole” to me - the screen name he went by when he started his career. Ya know, as in, “Tigole Bitties”.
Watching this as someone who personally only cares about cricket I’m enjoying the rank hypocrisy of every other Premier League club and every person who’s played in it calling this “disgusting” when the EPL was established in 1992 under almost exactly the same circumstances by many of the same teams regarding a few…
It’s the best way to ensure you buy RIGHT NOW to pump that stock up and not waiting until it’s on sale.
You’d think the people who paid for the game should expect priority access. Professional reviewers don’t get review stock at the expense of paying customers. Or at least be up front about it and have the streamers announce the deal. It’s bad optics which is contrary to the entire point of giving them priority access…
I might do some streaming in the future and I can only imagine 7 viewers for me would be a busy night.
In other news, in the last 24 hours my viewer count has increased 40%!! Yes, I’m up to 7 now. Those million dollar endorsement deals should be rolling in any day now...
I use M+KB for dungeons, but when I’m running around, or fishing, or doing simple quests, I do enjoy using the controller.
Getting players to visit the store by enticing them with free games and exclusives is all well and good but Epic seems in no rush to make their launcher a place that people want to spend any amount of time in. There are basic, well established features that any would-be Steam competitor should have had at launch.…
Unless they do a significant overhaul to the Epic Games store, it’s never going to take off the way they want. It’s kind of shit, and whenever I install it it causes weird issues to my PC. People aren’t going to be buying games there instead of Steam as long as there are issues like that.
Anytime one of the two gets cocky, they start to suck and make a bunch of unforced errors to allow the other to make a lot of headway.
The FF movie that actually made sense.
I rather leave these settings off.
It feels like a lot of people want the game to be more in common with Destiny when in reality, the game is more focused on being People Can Fly do Diablo, and somehow, the game is flawed for not being something it was never trying to be.
I no longer have to get out of the Mako to kill weakened enemies. Hooray
Personally, I don’t get any particular amount of joy out of competing against other people in video games online. Like, I enjoy laughing with friends playing smash bros, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to care about the results of a multiplayer match. I play games for the stories.
I’ve played single-player almost exclusively since college. When your real-life friends aren’t into gaming, and you don’t like playing with randos, that’s what happens. Particularly if you *prefer* single player in the first place anyway.
Twitch should allow whatever but re-tag and re-categorize streams that really focus on the streamers’ bodies away from general gaming categories and tags. Shuffle them off into their own little sexystreaming land or whatever.