
Collapsed Expressway was definitely a highlight, and came totally out of left field.

Just what I was thinking. Glad I’m not crazy :P

The years since the 1997 game’s release saw Square Enix composers Masashi Hamauzu and Mitsuto Suzuki get to spread their wings with more projects of their own. Their work on the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy in particular was a high-water mark for the series’ music after original series’ composer Nobuo Uematsu’s

Here’s Virmire, turned from a brooding, high contrast space jungle into tropical_setting.png.

False dilemma. The answer is: neither. And that’s the answer they went with in ME3, you’ll notice. Well sort of. You still have a little bit of it with the scanner pinging away in the system but it takes a lot less time and there are fewer instances of it in the game. When it comes to scanner anomalies where you

Combat in Mass Effect is what has aged the worst, especially comparative to ME2 and (especially) ME3. Some of the design choices they’ve made are certainly odd, and seem more like meddling than actually upgrading, but if they can tweek or update combat enough to be close to 2 or 3, then it’ll be worth it.

The Mako was never the problem with the Mako. It was the boring-as-hell repetitive planets that all consisted of a dull square of randomly generated terrain and pre-fab structures, crashed space probes, and mining nodes.

Those shots of Shepards’’s never a good sign when I get the before and after shots mixed up at first glance.

They talked about how they’re adding in a lot more chaos and destruction on Eden Prime, so I’d wait to see in motion. We’re talking smoke, plumes of ash, fire, etc.

Also whoever redid this area doesn’t understand basic visual storytelling.

The cinematics are voiced. But you didn't play 9 because there was no voice acting?! I'm sentencing you to 3 years in JRPG jail. Dude the BEST RPGs don't have voice acting. 

I didn’t find it fun. I think it only gets to be in the middle of the pack because its so boring overall. The battle system is technically interesting but boring to play and it tries to do political intrigue without us caring about anyone (and with a weakass attempt to only fake out the main character and not the

one of the worse ones IMO. It’s basically a single player MMO. gameplay consists mostly of long treks over generic landscapes between plot points. battle is MMO-style-auto-attacking using if-then scripts for special abilities. it’s boring. they literally designed it to work with no input from the player. story is

“This island will never be your home”, oblivious to the fact that his own people were relatively recent arrivals themselves.

Well, had you some shares when it WAS very low, like $20 each before the boom, GS stock could have certainly saved you when it exploded. Just a matter of getting out at the right time, and avoiding investing after the boom. 

Never forget, by the time you hear about a really good deal or opportunity, it’s already too late.

Ultimately, the saddest part about the $GME debacle is that it was never even about GameStop. It could have been literally any stock that happened to get massively shorted by hedge funds losing faith in a company. GameStop just happened to be the company that got caught in the crossfire. That said, I’ve seen GameStop

IMHO, the real problem with Stadia is the business model itself. I buy everything digital but have yet to try a game streaming service but it seems ideal and probably an eventuality. If I can play on max graphics then future games could target streaming supercomputers instead of restricted by retail hardware

That’s because, for the most part, making games requires sacrifices. It requires ungodly amounts of upfront cash. And most importantly, it requires a team of passionate humans with a genuine love for what they’re making.

I had a friend who was doing a full playthrough of ME1-3 for the first time and he rushed to the ending of the ME2. He had acquired zero ship upgrades and only had Jacob’s loyalty. He came out the other side with only Jacob and Samara. He persevered with that save file for his ME3 playthrough which was equally