
Gotta say this is unusual for comments section but top tier post call me convinced - lots of good points I can only agree with. I mean I liked it already because the combat is absolutely on point but at least if I see someone rate it top in the future i’ll know there is a good reason why.

The sequel got slammed because you play a guy who doesn’t talk in a party that does, its really a weird experience but I actually enjoyed it alot. I also played a really dumb party setup which probably contributed but it certainly wasn’t the worst.

I like your post but I’ve gotta say i’ve never heard anybody say graces is the best in the series, occasionally they will say the combat was the best in the series because it had an epic system but it can’t hold a candle to the top ones in anything else.

This is an interesting approach but I don’t actually think I believe them lol, feels like they are going for its easier because you’ve got more tools which is true - except for many won’t use them.

I have fun with the good bad alternation theory but I think most of them are about on a level that its largely wrong, most tales games are just distinctly middle of the road average with Xillia being the exact middle of the road calibration game lol.

Only game that did that for me in anything like recent years was xenoblade chronicles, sadly they don’t really make that kind of game anymore.

they gate the better gear behind the higher difficulties but the idea is you’ll NG+ it if you can’t do it the first time. Its actually an attempt to drive replayability as far as i can tell.  Most Tales games are pushing the term “possible” if you unlock chaos and try it on your first playthrough its positively

they do sell systems, but I agree they are stupid but consumers generally don’t look after their own interests which is why things like lootboxes, DLC and microtransactions are pervasive (DLC probably doesn’t belong on that list)

they definitely do, i’m not sure i’d have shown this personally it looks like the exact kind of movie tie-in game from the past that you knew would be bad.

25 years in the making means it was written on someones journal 25 years ago, its like diablo 3 which had a similar claim and a similar lack of 10 years of development :p

I’m not sure i’d describe this as reveals it was pretty similar to the first trailer when it comes down to it :/

I don’t know what the author was expecting here, they didn’t need additional trailers does it matter how much they show beforehand?

One of the other posters covered it but we absolutely complained about having to install steam, in a way they were forcing us to adopt the technology before the infrastructure was actually in place to do so. It did however lead them to their path of market dominance being fully established years before they even had a

Eurogamers pretty good if your over a certain age, about the only site I think regularly has interesting discussions in the comments with proper moderation too. 

fantastic OST and spin off music associated with it, still listen to it regularly. I actually played this a couple of years ago for the first time, one of the best PS2 games i missed frankly.

I suspect it is giving them too much credit but I have to say I enjoyed your hot take, hadn’t considered they might have a motivation for it.

Yes about one thing only, Mobile phone games aren’t games (there are exceptions)

he is the single worst anime character i’ve ever seen, somebody took the standard annoying AF trope character and turned it up to 11 and the results are truly vile.

Sorry but hard disagree, people with functional muscle like climbers are quietly built so to speak this guys borderline emaciated.

Its one of the most boring games ever made, its 10 hours of the same corridor/room you walk in - imp spawns behind you - go kill other enemies on to the next room.