
As a habitual trophy hater I like that there is one so contemptible people might actually not do it.

I can’t tell if this is a top tier shitpost or genuine but either way I loved it

It really is, tbh i’d call it bandwagoning personally like trying to score points with a group by jumping on their train but it comes off very weak.

Ehh its complicated but the tldr is that they represented themselves poorly and there will be some unknown financial repercussion from people genuinely cheesed about it, enough to matter? Doubtful but i’d say its relevant.

the login queues were caused by a database problem I believe after a series of mistakes in the runup

PoE gets regular troll threads like this i’d say most people were like its a troll. Players are very confident that they don’t ban for flask macro to begin with so the idea they banned about accessibility was always extremely weak.

Actually Duke Nukem Forever teaches a good lesson about the difference between a 10 year project, and a repeatedly cancelled 3 year project that took 10 years :p

Lmao what a great summary sentence, got a fantastic OST though just like listening/watching an interactive soundtrack.

I’ve got a theory that its actually translated distaste from destiny haters as destiny kinda stalled the genre in a way? Not by actually killing it but by existing in the space for such a long time despite being pretty mediocre.

the genre isn’t bloated but it is tired there is very little evolution there they are all fundamentally a reskin of the same game, I love one of these games once a year or so but i can’t take it past that.

That is a reason to not let yourself use the internet not a strike against the game IMO :p though i hate gacha so agree really

it definitely went from underused to totally bloat I will say however that the quality has increased, you used to be very lucky to get a good warhammer game but most are average or better now.

This is like the most macabre developer graveyard summary of why EA always gets stick (and always will for me at least)

if a gacha game has anxiety implications for you its the sign to quit, the model frankly isn’t worth it regardless of how good you think the game is. There are better things out there

lovely summary glad i didn’t have to post this one for once!

because adding gamer to any product allows a price multiplier without any additional requirements, infact you can frequently lower quality and still charge more.

good game, a little bit marred by stale midgame and poor development choices. Frankly I was a little disappointed it didn’t meet the potential in my head. That may be a personal failing but i also think whoever decided the mid tier cards/stat values didn’t look at them analytically enough.

I returned to a 5 year old save file from white knight chronicles, i’d rage quit previously because the fight design was so horrendous and when i returned i found out i was 2 fights from the end.

It was about time for it to come full circle, the 360 years took its toll on multi platform releases but as it was only leveraged to sell units we were bound to get back here eventually.

Ignore the below (above?) guy, Stellaris does not really have a huge learning curve, especially compared to the other paradox titles you listed. Its just unusual in its priorisation of problems that mean if you apply regular RTS/Strategy playstyle you end up behind. However their advice is really good so feel free to