
Xenonauts is good too if you fancy another, its like a soft remake of the original UFO defense but more playable! 

I’d totally forgotten about this while wracking my brain about its initial reception

Its a really good game that just didn’t capture everyones imagination at the time, I don’t know if thats because it was heavy handed and on the nose with its politics or because of its release window but whatever the case it was considered a failure IMO.

Simultaneously excited and saying nonono at the KHening beginning.

I can’t believe the number of people that think D3 is a similar but succesful comeback story, there is a world of difference between an unpopular game and an unfinished one. 

Diablo 3 got all sorts of grief and plenty of it from me but it wasn’t anything like in the same category as Anthem or NMS etc

high quality post mate, tbh far too high quality for here but good working looking out for your friends, I had to do the same and used an identical analogy about available information and trade timings.

No, it doesn’t know what it wants to be and no game is more mediocre than the one without a unifying vision

can’t actually be done, they will huff and puff a great deal though but the stock market is a shark tank they won’t do anything that stops fish getting thrown in and changing the fish supply is the only thing that would stop this happening again :p 

Shorting is a multiplier/enabler of price mobility its a tool nothing more, the debate to be had needs to be on what role the stock market is supposed to play in the economy and that discussion is difficult to have when so many of the pillars of what we perceive as a modern economy are missing.

i’ve gotten more amusement out of the suggested castings on this thread than I will from the actual movie, its wonderful thankyou all for your maxed out A-list borderlands!

I’m reading this list but I only see 2 games, KH 1 and 2?? Oh well Its good news i’m covered! ;)

Tbh i was blown away by the FF7RM OST it barely reuses any tracks and everythings high quality, I did think the new tracks stood out a bit too much and I personally didn’t enjoy them as much however I could never pin down if i had real beef with them or just didn’t want them on my nostalgia train.

You also can’t make a shotgun that sweeps people along the floor with HE like you can in 1. The difference between the Mattock and the Avenger in 2 is that the Mattock isn’t an assault rifle its just a newer class they rolled in because they correctly identified that ARs are the most boring weapon classification in

The correct plan is to give the games the dedication they deserve and play them seperately, anything less is an insult to them as suitors for your time.

that was clearly a chance to practice your orator voice Ahem “Give me! OATH IN FELGHANA”

The mods are everything though, you can’t just take 4 archetypes for each weapon then give them to the players and assume its the same as being able to create those archetypes yourself.

people didn’t like that they cut some bum shots of Miranda at hilarious times like when shes in emotional distress about whats going on in the scene at the time.

1 had vastly more options but it definitely had vastly more bloat too and I think you are oversimplifying alternate weapon characteristics, if different spreadsheet values is all they boil down to then the sequels didn’t have interesting options either.

You’re right but it is possible to get nearly universal acclaim for a remaster/remake its just rare. RE2 certainly managed.