Ehh this is a two way street, not enough players respect their own time and should ask why am I playing this much earlier.
Ehh this is a two way street, not enough players respect their own time and should ask why am I playing this much earlier.
Starred for introducing me to the fine adjective “Bioware’d” lmao
the difficulty in all souls games can be solved by farming enough except for the real challenges ie not getting knocked off shit by hilarious platformer segments.
I actually didn’t think it was that far off lol :p
this is probably the remaster i’ve most looked forward to, great trilogy and one that will really benefit from it, can’t wait!
it needs a mouse/kb only queue, i’d switch instantly!
Crunch clearly works lol, if your any kind of gamer it will have been used on a majority of your favourite titles near release you just don’t know about it because it wasn’t a focal point until recently.
Baron Raymondo represent as Incognito hunts down his missing aunt/uncle/sister etc
I woulda loved to see what times we’d have gotten with the pre nerf shield, i’ve got like a 15 minute clear on my account with that and that was clearing as much content as possible.
New world will probably make its costs back unless they paid 500mil to get the streamers to play it (they might have) but crucible would go into my as to never taught seminar series on video game development as how to fail every single important part of releasing a game.
Lmfao you really got me with the last one, it summarizes their problem perfectly
a man who spent an entire game shouting and arguing with himself deserves to voice a main character in as many games as possible!
Its a great skin on a very standard gacha base, Its hard to call it a masterpiece with that parasite attached to it. Which tbh bothers me far more than they tow the line of state censorship in such a laughably ineffective way ^^
I like you, and had to star because I liked your ideas too.
Its got 200+ comments or whatever, it’ll be rated as one of their most successful posts this year, a very sad irony ^^
way too level headed to be this far up, repost it at the bottom of the comments so nobody sees!
most of the comments in here are people who have never and will never work in software development, crunch is a fact it happens on a vast majority of projects because people are easier to move than project deadlines, especially if the deadlines already been moved before.
I was ready for the DMC portion, can’t wait to Buster Titan
Tidus is really important to the story though it falls apart without him, you could change the script and have Yuna be far more of a rulebreaker but everyone apart from Tidus conforms to the rules.
It was a dig at quality rather than structure in terms of a comparison, one that I explained fairly poorly I was going for that the whole thing was very much style over substance a long time before style over substance became the predominant film type.