respectfully disagree ^^, Advent Children was modern game design before it happened, amazing style, absent substance.
respectfully disagree ^^, Advent Children was modern game design before it happened, amazing style, absent substance.
I couldn’t help myself physically eyerolling when they announced the title, and it got worse when they went for a hipster spelling of phoenix I just couldn’t do it.
I wouldn’t assign Blizzards problems to Activision, they are responsible for their own you just have to look at their business model vs activisions to see its unlikely outside influence was responsible. Just major internal leadership problems.
You should! Its a really interesting window to how times have changed if you happened to play 2 when it came out. Its still not great but it doesn’t quite feel the same in its problems as it initially did.
Its generational and platform based, some people lose it because they find they enjoy ease of access over the old format (people with kids, limited timeframe etc anything where time is a premium) but if you enjoyed old games AND have played a similar type occasionally I think you are very likely to still like crpgs of…
Anyone who likes Inquisition likes DA2 don’t ever let them tell you otherwise they just don’t like accepting it!
I don’t know why anyones getting angry at this especially on twitch, if burger king regularly use donations to spread an ad message it will be a very short time before the copy pasta factory starts creating negative donations about them just to meme.
Eurogamer isn’t bad (not great just not bad) if your looking for an alternative, most of them headed down this direction years ago sadly. As many have pointed out to the revenue generators there is no difference between good content and bad content aside from engagement, and engagement will be about whichever human…
This is what he writes about i’m sure he’s fine
I’ll keep my eye out, I played the realism mode or whatever it was called and that was awful in squads lol
Blackout didn’t feel as good to me but maybe I didn’t give it enough time, realistically what I really mean is warzone in the first month or so after it was released.
It runs well and it looks good, in terms of content it feels like a fleshed out rise of the shogun from all the way back with shogun 2. The stark simplicity has its benefits but the history period limits the unit choices quite alot.
such a great weapon customisation system so quickly rendered down to 3-4 weapons it seems such a waste. I’d love a no loadout mode or perks only but as it is past about the first 5 minutes of the game 80% of your deaths will be to the same weapons.
Its nice to see someone else have this view, 4k is like an easily achievable but frankly irrelevant objective (to me), would have loved that effort to be spent elsewhere
Heres mine, one of the GOATs of jrpgs
its just reality TV, some people can’t get enough of it
This is actually a really hot take I haven’t considered until now, I actually several cases of games on my last move and you never really consider those with the digital vs physical media argument.
Classic’s success was more about a snapshot in time than its actual game design as a result we really can’t ever go back, not in that type of game at least.
Your going for a very positive spin and i’m fine with that, but personally I think a substantial number of the upper management will know its going nowhere which is why I describe it as shady.
It is feature creep but really its mismanagement, difficult to say if its the fans fault. They are certainly responsible for giving more and more money to an increasingly shady developer but its the developer’s fault they simultaneously over promise while underachieving.