
The USA is over 70% white. You obviously don't understand per capita stats.

Imagine what a shitty turd-world country it would be and how high the violent crime would be if the USA were 30% or even just 20% black, instead of the measly 13% black it is now! But that's what you naive idealistic libtards want.

I have lived in Richmond, DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia for most of my adult life(when I was in my 20's I lived in mixed and predominantly black areas). I'm not divorced from the culture and I wouldn't live in these areas if I wasn't attracted to the diversity among other positive aspects. I currently live in a

Haw haw you can't argue against the facts! LOL reality is not on your side!

Lol for "no reason" ya because white people are responsible for the shady self labeling behavior blacks have achieved for themselves. "That's racist Godwolf" Ya well it's true get your head out your ass and don't ignore the fact that popular black culture promotes drugs and violence. Black activist are just as

LOL America would be paradise without blacks.

"Long before the War on Terror, the War on Crime, and the War on Drugs, black people were being killed by law enforcement and white racists without cause and without consequence. Whether by lynching or by pistol or by chokehold or by tank, a dead black man is a dead black man."

Of course there is — Google/Apple/Silicon Valley/Wall Street/ Big Law

So I guess the black cop who threatened my life, for being white while being in "his neighborhood" also is indicative of such sweeping, melodramatic statements?

Greg Oden punched his girlfriend and he hasn't played a sport in years.

Everyone loves to hate on the wet wipes, but those fuckers get the job done... make a finger ghost and clean that ring around the bathtub.

yeah, I was alluding to that "issue"...running "lean" ain't just about fuel with him.

Lil Derp can't pay the Derp on his private Derp.
Celebs are so tacky.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get my head around this 'leave the tags on' thing.

He's the funniest looking dude ever. Sad face = funny.

Lil Wayne is just another dumb-ass trying too hard to make himself look like rich but isn't really. Too bad, only stupid people enabling idiots like this one with all the attention and ego-boosting crap.

What?! A seemingly grounded and sensible person such as Weezy is living above his means?

Money and plane troubles aside, the fact that this individual is a popular "artist" known around the world, should make any sane person weep for our future.

Whenever I see or hear Lil Wayne, I always ask myself "Is this guy serious? Does he really dress and act that way as a real person?!" I always wonder if these guys are for real or if their "persona" was dreamed up by some guys around a conference room table.

Little Wayne is a deadbeat who won't pay his bills? I for one am shocked.

Maybe this little #$#$# should sell his teeth? Obama voter for sure!!!