
Because you rarely use them if at all, this isn’t a stick shift. Most people put it in drive...and DRIVE. Now you’re whining that if you choose to put it in gear it’s a whole 6" away?!

You’re literally relying on forum posts as “evidence”. There are plenty of owners with their own YouTube channels stating otherwise...but that gets no clicks here.

LOL, they can’t even keep up with demand unlike that car, not to mention DeLorean had NO OTHER VEHICLES in the lineup or even pipeline!!

Like how they make the #1 selling vehicle on the planet selling at almost $50k? That even Sandy Munro had to admit quality is much improved? The majority of you have never even sat in one let alone driven one, so instead you sit in the cheap seats taking pot shots as if you know best.

...and yet Rivian needed a Saudi $$$$ injection just to stay afloat. They are bleeding cash with reduced demand UNLIKE Tesla even in their early days.

LOL, Rivian is losing almost $45k a vehicle and over $18 BILLION the past 2 years. Did I mention demand has cooled substantially? Worse, the vehicle people actually WANT is a good 2 years out.

Then if that’s the case why is demand through the roof while the F150 Lightning REDUCED output due to lack of demand?!

They use literally NOTHING that their other models have, they had to create a brand new casting system, brand new assembly line and entirely new interior and exterior parts.

Lol, yet another DAILY Jalopnik Tesla crap post followed up by all of the resident Tesla Hate trolls, hahaha!!! Remember when all of you geniuses stated it was “vaporware”? That the F150 Lightning would BURY it, and it wouldn’t even sell 100k of them lifetime? That Elon was simply taking their deposit money and it

This is fantastic, literally no buttons whatsoever but because it isn’t a Tesla somehow the resident Jaloptrolls will consider this “the future”!! The spinning here should be glorious, and for a vehicle that is slower with less range than a Plaid...for only $150k more!

I love all of the faux outrage and fearmongering from the people seeing their livelihoods affected! I bet you have ZERO issues though with AI when it benefits you though, right? So now AI is “good” in certain aspects but only “bad” when it affects your paycheck?

I’m confused...Joe Biden has been telling us for almost a year now that everything is great, they wouldn’t lie to us would they? I was told it was because of greedy corporations, is it not?



Your colon will thank you.

LOL, she was on the phone for EIGHT FUCKING MINUTES dummy!! You DO realize she owned the vehicle for MONTHS along with two other Teslas?! But sure, she couldn’t escape or control the vehicle because of Tesla, not being 3x over the legal limit!!

Great, then I guess we should sue Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Toyota, GMC, Chrysler, Acura, etc.

LOL, she had the fucking car for MONTHS dumbass!! She’s a goddamn BILLIONAIRE, it’s not like the THREE Teslas she owned and drove couldn’t be traded in for something “less complicated”!

- No One Ever

LOL, there’s no fucking way that thing is anywhere NEAR worth $10k (does it come with an OEM Lexus duffel bag filled with $8k?). I had a GS4o0 “Platinum Edition” which they only sold 200 or so of. I literally unloaded mine for $5k trade-in and that was back in 2013. And the only reason was that the A/C unit shit the