
LOL, what a special faggot, hahaha!!! You actually think random internet posters give a fuck what you think?! Christ, and then the fact that you actually took the time to look up someone’s post history to form an opinion?? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

My car came with Enhanced Autopilot (so basically FSD with no city autopilot nor traffic signs/stoplights recognized), and tbh I’ve yet to even use it. Why? Because at the end of the day Tesla/Musk hide behind so many layers of legalese i.e. “we hold all of the data and will bury you in court defending our bullshit”, n

Sure it is, when was the last time Jersey Mike’s even ran a BOGO? Their “specials” are a fucking joke.

And you’d still be wrong, you dumb clam. I’m only defending them because there’s NOTHING wrong with their food, you never hear of them getting closed down by local quality control, or issues with out of date meats and produce. And yet there are tons of local Mom and Pop shops that have this happening regularly. People

LOl, so your response to something I stated that never mentions race is “Y0U rAyC1Ss!!”

When I was looking into a Model X Performance the first thing most reviewers mentioned was this, because it weighs over 6000lbs! Now add in the performance aspect 0-60 feature and it makes a lot of sense. Many were seeing at least 4-5 sets before the warranty even expired.

Exactly, everyone here has no problem grabbing food from a gas station, but the moment a corporation gets huge suddenly they equate that to “shitty quality”. Perfect example is McDonald’s, their fries are UNIVERSALLY known as the standard to which all other fries are held, yet somehow it’s always “that food is

Yeah, why don’t you go hop back on your sister tubby. No one here gives a shit what you think.

Because of cost and convenience. Ever work at a sub/pizza shop? Most have little oversight other than yearly inspections. Subway has to be held to a higher standard because they franchise them, and the risk is far higher of losing yours if there are quality control issues. I mean, people SWEAR by Publix subs and that

...that is picante, and the reason they sell it that way is EXACTLY what I’m saying. I lived in Round Rock for 6 years, and there was hot sauce (some house made) at EVERY table that served breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dude it’s fucking cold cuts, most people that go to a deli usually buy whatever’s on sale. They’re not spending $16/lb for ham or turkey, they get the no name one for $7.99. You think you can go to a local subshop that gets all of their stuff imported from Italy and pay under $10 a sub?!

They don’t make their own meats, it’s from West Liberty Foods. You rarely if ever see a Subway closed for a health violation.

Meh, the food is fresh and for the price it’s hard to beat esp. with their BOGO deals. They have to follow some pretty strict standards as franchises, the same can’t be said for a Mom and Pop sub show with razor thin margins, ever changing rents and more competition.

All of their meats come from West Liberty Foods which is a joint venture between Tyson Foods and Smithfield Foods.

Ok Beav...

...he’s worth over half a BILLION at age 25.

Lol, like he gives a shit what some pleeb on the internet thinks! Guy has more money than God in his mid TWENTIES, and could retire tomorrow.

Cope harder ManBaby.

You can drizzle hot sauce onto a burrito as you chew, unlike salsa which requires a utensil.

Correct, picante isn’t the same texture as salsa.