
Black community in a nutshell. Woman was warned multiple times and yet she “fucked around and found out”, he hits her as warned and what does she do? Does she call 911? Nope? Does she retreat from either him or the store? Nope? She stays right in “harm’s way” and instructs her child to get her gun. He then shoots him

White people RARELY if ever sue the city when their felonious child is killed, don’t be an idiot.

Lol, sure you do!

I said the same thing, and what’s worse this is literally copy/pasted over MULTIPLE articles as if people can’t decide for themselves nor report/ignore.

But she never bothered to call the police, she was in such “fear for her life” that AFTER the first punch she had enough time to text her son to come inside. Then instead of calling 911 after her son shot him and fled, she instead demanded he follow and kill him, and shoot the gf as well. They then fled the scene

Is anyone really surprised by this? Chicago, Kim Foxx, etc. Ask yourself if this would’ve been their decision if she was white? Or if this site and POCs in general would be supporting her suing the city?

Looking at your posts, why are you so hyper focused on this? If you don’t like what they say either flag or ignore. You waste more bandwidth posting this under the assumption that everyone thinks like you.

...or you could simply look up videos showing otherwise.

Considering he canceled the Plaid+ days before launch as unnecessary I don't think he's worried about a limited production vehicle costing twice as much and only slightly faster a concern. I mean, they had already tracked one getting sub 2 second times.

Lol, so I guess every major news outlet was duped, their production woes are fake and their plummeting stock is a lie!

Refinement? There are already videos showing poor quality. 

...or the fact it's shedding money at alarming rates and production is a mess?

Lol, $75k worth? There isn't even leather and it's tech is buggy as hell.

Lol, nowhere in the Lucid is there over $75k of refinement. There are already many videos of quality issues.

So now Twitter is worth nothing?

...and yet far more black people kill whites, than whites killing blacks. 

No, we had to buy them from blacks themselves.

You wouldn’t be here without us, and YOUR OWN FUCKING RACE sold you to us!!

“bring it into the system”

He wasn’t shooting at a crowd when they caught him idiot. Funny how you morons forget about the NYC attacker or WI parade killer...BOTH of whom were captured alive!