
Jesus Fucking Christ, that MCU issue was KNOWN to Tesla and they fought to HIDE IT, and why? Because per the very same article “The warranty expansion and offer to refund some owners may help Tesla avoid a mandatory recall, and a settlement or drawn out court battles.”

Far better than any negro QB will ever be, period.

...this from the race with the lowest vaccine levels specifically because they don’t trust vaccines based on something that happened in 1932!

Black women by and large look masculine, have very short tempers, lowest education levels and the highest rates of STDs...what’s not to like? LOL!

2) Class action lawsuits that Tesla either loses or is subjected to by THOUSANDS of people isn’t “anecdotal” (‘evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them’).

You mean the same black women that after Kamala dropped out they said “good, she put too many brothers away”? And then when she was chosen as the VP it became “yaaas girl, you get it!”? Funny how you took credit for Biden winning but now that he’s a shit show not a fucking peep from you. You pulled this same bullshit

Nah, the video clearly shows she realized she fucked up, it’s not like she was there trying to justify the shooting after, she immediately starts panicking when she did it.

This is what happens when you have a warrant for your arrest for assaulting/robbing a female, skip your court date, drive around with expired tags and then resist arrest.

Always #1: Re-rack your weights

It was literally one of the first vehicles to offer this type of handle back in 2012, and it’s since been improved upon for the new Model S.

Plus this model came with free SC for life, which comes in handy as an Uber if they readily had access to one. I wonder what the parts warranty is for those handles though? What’s actually impressive is brake pads/rotors at 300k miles!

Well, analysts are forecasting that for 2022 they’ll double production to 2mil vehicles so tbh much of their growth has been hampered by the pandemic, along with political issues in Germany for their new plant.

“career criminal made messiah by negroes”!

...someone’s about to get curbstomped in the midterms!

Can’t stop if you never started.

LOL, “black twitter”!

Have you come out yet, homo?

Don’t ever befriend a negro, you’ll only end up disappointed and with an STD.

Illiterate would indicate that I can’t read or write, and yet that’s exactly what I’m doing when I respond to your idiocy.

Oh, boo-hoo, you called me “moron.” At least I’m original unlike you.