
You have no power here Valve! It’s literally the first thing I* do with new electronics. Used to do it with instruction manuals as far back as the NES era, but those are long gone, so now I just sniff the cases. Relish snorting up all those delicious fumes from cases, controllers, and consoles. Cause I need to get my

20 of your reasons why South Park is the debble!! (Click to start slide show) XD

Bro this is what irks me: like, if you want to say the show isn’t as funny as it used to be (fine) because it focuses more on current events than silly absurdism (totally fair) or that you think the characters have all been Flanderized (valid) that’s great. But this tired argument that they are all about “both sides

The problem is... the show is good and has been for years. It’s probably even great now and has taken some of the most insightful political opinions I’ve seen a mainstream show take — and I’m left anarchist so I have really strong opinions about political opinions.

They aren’t against diversity, I think they have been pretty explicit about that.

The female led Ghostbusters is pretty much the goto for this kind of failed reboot.

It’s funny as hell how “mediocre” has become such an overused, generic insult on the internet, when it just means “average”. Do you think you’re somehow not mediocre, random commenter still posting regularly on the decaying husk of what was once The AV Club? You’re probably not going to like the answer!

Show us on the doll where the nasty straight white man touched you.

Literally nobody lives up to progressive idealism.

I think it’s clear that they aren’t just adding new diverse characters here and saying “WTF”. It’s a Black adult woman playing Cartman. And of course they’re depicting an extreme; satire is what they do.

Honestly... I lost interest in South Park thanks to the Tegridy Farms stuff. I kinda feel like the show I liked ended after the episode where ManBearpig killed Satan (who’s spirit hilariously went to heaven). Since then it’s just been a show about how depraved Randy can get and still have everything work out.

Why does it need to die, it is still good. You don’t like it stop watching it.

“...and, god, we’re already so tired.”
Waiting for the next Taylor Swift installment...

This is an excellent take - the type of person who can be driven to make tweets in this tone seems diametrically opposed to the type of person who would do so recklessly.

I’m in the marketing and PR realm. I cannot emphasize how much these tweets are a trajectory-altering decision for Simon Thomley’s career and the entire Headcannon studio’s future prospects. When you’re a contractor/vendor/services provider, you don’t come out and say scathing things against a contracting client

I only just got a Switch this year and have been loving the amount of indie games I’ve been able to get for pretty cheap in various sales, but I tell ya - I’ve only played BotW and Super Mario Odyssey because they were on Christmas sale when I got it. The barrier of entry to first-party Nintendo games is so high, even

They’re all equally greedy. Nintendo just knows they can get away with it. No company is lowering their prices out of the goodness of their hearts; they lower them to a value they think will increase sales of an older game. Nintendo has made the same calculation. 

Nintendo’s idea of sales for their triple A titles is 49.99 to 44.99 lol. Ten years later 39.99. They’re the greediest game company on earth. All their first run triple A titles should now be $19.99. Ya greedy bastards!

So basically, she saw the mess the company is, she quickly realized they weren’t going to let her fix it in any meaningful way, and so she decided to book it.

“Things aren’t going to get better, they’re going to get great!” - immediately grabs coat and sprints from office.