
The only things less cool than this apology was the way the flag immediately fell over when he planted it, and adult people thinking that a guy who won a football game planting a football flag (badly) in the grass of a football stadium is somehow “disrespectful” in any meaningful way.

I’m sure the #NotAllStealerships crowd will be up in your comment thread soon, talking about how any business would’ve done the same thing to protect their inventory because herpderp reasons...

So are you also upset that your ISP doesn’t give you 300mb/s for the same price as the 30mb/s pack simply because they have the ability to unlock that speed by flipping a switch?

he is correct in that our for profit prison system has no interest in rehabilitation and is only about punishment (and profit). Throwing people in lock-up and then releasing them while taking away most opportunities to change is hardly a productive solution.


Check out It’ll do this for you. Set the route to “Automatic” and pick two points on the map and it’ll find the shortest distance for you. Change it back to “Manual” when you then veer off mapped roads/paths. I’ve been using this site for probably about 10 years now and it’s great.

Official response from the Yankees front office:

The search for “red sox yankees rivalry lost its luster” turns up multi-annual thinkpieces on the topic

Jerry’s been out for a while with the lung cancer and won’t be back this season.

Fun Fact.

My bad, I forgot Succubus works at the White House in cahoots with Suckabee.

 In fairness to the Falcons, the Patriots waited for Freeman to be where they wanted him and then launched Hightower at him. Gameplanning matchups. The Edelman catch is as good a catch as the SB will see - some of those you lose. See helmet and Kearse.
Belichick required McDaniels and his team to have a bunch of

that is funny to me because his other hand is enveloped in a device which is designed to do what this bare hand is not.

Found the asshole who plays politics with his manager, thinking he’s being sly, then wonders why no one says goodbye when he’s inevitably fired.

It’s amazing the Seahawks still seem emotionally scarred after Super Bowl 49. It’s been a few years now.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.