Yeah where I’m from that’s just good hustle
I thought Hemingway was dead
This guy’s a Commander (0-5) which means he’s taken the oath a minimum of 5 times in his career and apparently still doesn’t understand what the hell it means. Your oath is to the Constitution which spells out the very rights these guys are protesting for, not a flag or some bullshit belief that you’re being…
Just keep in mind he made about $87,000 today and will every day for the next couple years.
This fucker better rot in a cage.
I’m sick of imbeciles trying to hide their stupidity behind some imagined fight against political correctness, it starts with the clown in the white house.
2 cents - Clayton Batista is a cool name.
One of the reasons the Pats were successful in 2001 that’s never talked about is they had this incredible knack for causing crucial, backbreaking turnovers. They did it all season and through the playoffs. INTs are one thing but some teams in certain seasons just seem to get the ball on the ground a lot and it’s hard…
Had no idea Longmire was coming back, what a great show.
Sweeping generalizations are obviously terrible but I worked for years in EMS as a helicopter pilot and came to the conclusion that firefighters as a group were the absolute most ignorant humans I’d ever encountered and ignorance is the awful glue that holds racism together.
In game 7 of the ‘65 World Series Sandy Koufax started on 2 days rest and threw a shut out with 10 Ks. The use of pitchers and pitch counts has changed quite a bit since ‘65 but if you’re a Dodgers fan why didn’t Kershaw start this game?
The whole point of the process is it’s blind, I don’t care if there’s HD video of you doing what you’re accused of, you still get due process and that may take some time.
Humbug, this one ends Friday morning 17-16 and Larry King will have a massive heart attack on live TV in the bottom of the 23rd.
The loud, obnoxious part of them is the American part.
Football is nice but hope he gets his substance abuse demons under control. Given the Brown’s front office they probably got notified he was reinstated and took 15 minutes to figure out who he was and why he was suspended to begin with. Now they’ll probably fucking trade him for Milton’s stapler by mistake.
I had Dominos the other night for the first time in probably 5 years and it was very, very good.
Go to bed
Racism is obviously bad and racism is the starting (default) position of ignorant fucking morons. Does that help?
You are 100% wrong. You imply Darvish had some say in what the punishment should be for blatant ignorance on the part of Gurriel. Did you read Darvish’s response?