
You missed the point which is fine because you’re obviously all hopped up on Mt Dew and halloween candy. Let’s just say we agree Bourbon is good and carry on.

This is awesome

Bourbon is indeed better than rum but that argument had no hand in this game so you’re barking up a tree that never existed.

Mike Leach is garbage, any opinion of his is garbage, candy corn is awesome, fruitcake is Satan’s calling card and a mint julep is fine as long as you take the time to turn it into a mojito as god intended.

Hannity is such an intellectual midget and such an indicator of our times.

Racism is the default position of the ignorant and the way Darvish handled the situation was money, you learn alot about people in situations like that.

Incompetence is so much spicier when you sprinkle in some cowardice.

No judgement, always loved Anna, she’s real..

First time I’ve seen her interviewed but she was in candyland for sure. 

Anna Faris is on Conan right now and she’s hammered.

I read the tweet from Schefter and couldn’t remember if the Pats had some Hoyer or a 7th Mccown brother on the roster and went to ESPN and saw only Brady listed, then went to the Niner’s roster and Janeane was already there. Interwebs dweebs are quick.

They’ll sign Kaepernick and the Sun around the Earth will rotate.

Oh no you don’t, no picking and choosing, this is a package deal, with sufficient resources we can launch the whole damn state of Indiana with Irsay and Mother May I Pence stapled to the hood of the launch vehicle.

The only person in that vid who looks fit enough to issue a beat down to anything other than something from Carls Jr seems disinterested, but she’s got a sweet lid.

This is unreal, I didn’t give a shit about either of these teams when this series started but now I hate them both and love them both.

The fact that an intellectual midget like Sean Hannity is mentioned online in anything other than an obituary or missing persons report is itself a commentary on the stupidity of our political dialogue.

“Fans with pit lane access” is pretty much America right now.

It’s a much tamer version of the fog of war - the laminated sheets the coaches carry are great for what they can script and anticipate in order to take the thinking out of stressful situations but when the game goes off those sheets is when coaches are made.

That clip had CONCACAF written all over it.