Oh no you don’t, no picking and choosing, this is a package deal, with sufficient resources we can launch the whole damn state of Indiana with Irsay and Mother May I Pence stapled to the hood of the launch vehicle.
The only person in that vid who looks fit enough to issue a beat down to anything other than something from Carls Jr seems disinterested, but she’s got a sweet lid.
This is unreal, I didn’t give a shit about either of these teams when this series started but now I hate them both and love them both.
The fact that an intellectual midget like Sean Hannity is mentioned online in anything other than an obituary or missing persons report is itself a commentary on the stupidity of our political dialogue.
“Fans with pit lane access” is pretty much America right now.
It’s a much tamer version of the fog of war - the laminated sheets the coaches carry are great for what they can script and anticipate in order to take the thinking out of stressful situations but when the game goes off those sheets is when coaches are made.
That clip had CONCACAF written all over it.
If you’re a vet and your head isn’t in anal defilade like the clowns in groups like Vets for Trump I highly recommend looking into a group called Vote Vets
This is a good read if you missed it:
Anyone who’s played a sport in HS and beyond understands not laying out the red carpet for your opponent, but that make ‘em dress in the dungeon with no AC bullshit stops when someone gets hurt. Sounds like this clusterfuck was a result of a combination of jackass gamesmanship and piss poor coordination and planning.
Worcester. The first time I went back to Boston with my wife we were on I90 and she saw a sign for Worcester, she spent 20 minutes attempting to pronounce it. It was way funnier than the first time we drove past La Jolla on “the” 5. When I finally hit her with “Woosta” she didn’t believe me, probably still doesn’t.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
You might get some play on that bet but there’s a sure thing on the table that Nantz is just an idiot. I’m all in on Nantz.
I saw that too and it’s way too late to Google but I think you have to drop it before you touch first base and if it’s broken you have to drop it as soon as possible or before Roger Clemens throws the other end back at you, whichever occurs first.
Two 100+ win teams in the Series for the first time since Vin Scully was chucking dice on Wilshire - this is what you get and let’s hope we get it for 5 more games of depleted bullpens, guys jumping ship, Cuban dudes licking bats (no sex) and that Dodger 3rd baseman survived the zombie dragon attack on the wall, which…
Dilly Dilly.
Dilly Dilly!
Two Air Force base squirrels argue on Twitter and Naval Aviation continues to wonder why on earth the planes were ever taken away from the Army in the first place.
The Crater has some weird connections with satanists that you can Google so there’ll always be some sketch.