Black Sheep Boy

An 8-year old haircut on a 40-year old head…. no. Some can pull that off. Ryan can't. Gown-up haircut time, dude.

It is actually a "feud" or "beef" if no one from the Strokes actually fucking replies? Or did I miss their replies…?

A few years late, but I just finally got around to playing that remastered DuckTales game for PS3, and was pleasantly surprised to hear the original voice actors had done all their characters, including Magica DeSpell (June Foray… duh obviously). Such a pleasure to hear her voice one more time in something new (Alan

Has to be some of these… Creepshow 1 & 2, Hellraiser, Return of the Living Dead, The Blob, Critters, Pumpkinhead, They Live, or most likely, Sleepaway Camp.

Loved the way he said "detective" as Ra's Al Ghul. And I totally forgot he was The Lobe for a moment there, but that's awesome he remembered that most fondly (and at all) of all his voice acting roles. Bring back Freakazoid!!!

And one of the funniest.

Two years was far too long.

And they finally did it, phew. Right in the opening scene too, thank you. That was exactly the kind of conversation I was waiting for them to have, and I think the writers handled it well. I rescind me previous complaints!

Last night's episode finally answered that for me :-)

No. That makes it even worse. I was so mad when I saw him standing on the ship with her at the end of season 6, like he was with her this whole time. The writers contrived ways to keep them apart. Dany disappears - Varys shows up that episode. Varys disappears on a mission (Dorne), Dany reappears that episode. The

I still want to know - why haven't we had a Daenarys-Varys scene yet, and when the fuck are we getting one? Seriously, those two might have a thing or two to discuss. Plus it's just strange she just lets him in her inner circle because I guess/assume Tyrion vouched for him…? Do the writers just not know how these two

I do have the RE-make, RE0, and of course RE4 for GC. Actually RE4 was the only reason I got one at all. But I also wanted to try the new Mario Kart, and then those Viewtiful Joe games were pretty awesome. Also got Metroid Prime and Wind Waker but never really gave them a shot… I was a bad GC owner. :-[

6 years waiting for a Mario 64 follow-up and it's… this. Ok ok, to be fair, I never even played it, but it just looked and seemed so…. lesser-than. And silly. Plus I was at that age where video games just didn't mean as much to me at the time, unless it was a new Resident Evil. I still don't understand why they didn't

Oh it holds up fine. I just recently made my 2nd bedroom a "game room" (hooked up NES, SNES, N64, GC, Switch, PS1, PS3, PS4, Genesis) and somehow of all the games on all the systems, my girlfriend and I ended up playing CTR for literally 5 hours straight one night, and randomly here and there several other days. Still

Spoon - Hot Thoughts is better than almost everything on here… Just sayin'.

So they definitely decided AFTER this episode was written and filmed that TJ was out, right…? They couldn't have possibly thought that was a fitting end for Erlich in any way, shape, or form. Or it was highly edited and cut down. Because it felt like he was on screen for 30 seconds total in the finale. Pretty

Was that actually 3D? I thought it was a side-scroller. I meant the "main" Mario games, the true 3D ones (64, Sunshine, Galaxy, etc) that still have yet to include them. C'mon already! They look so cool all 3-D in Mario Kart 8, now I wanna see them in a proper 3D Mario game. But I guess it ain't happening…

Are the Koopa Kids in this? If not, why not? Have they ever been in a next-gen (non-Kart) Mario game yet? If not, why not? What a tease having 3D airships but no 3D Koops Kids.


But who plays Duckworth, Mrs. Beakley, and Gyro Gearloose?