Black Sheep Boy

Maybe for the time it was made, doesn't hold up in 2017 though, I'm sorry.

Maybe for the time it was made, doesn't hold up in 2017 though, I'm sorry.

Better than the original, don't give a shit what some online hacks say.

Better than the original, don't give a shit what some online hacks say.

I'll let them slide on Arcade Fire, that was… bizarrely subpar. They're better than that…. Real Estate was about as good as their debut I think but no where near as good as Days or Atlas. Still a little harsh though.

Hung up on a number? Their site has a section for 8+ reviews. The # is very important, in that context. Tons of people that don't have infinite hours of free time on their hand click on that 8+ section to see what the, ahem, cough, huge eyeroll, "best" current music may be. Music nerds like me (and maybe you?) that

They're really losing me this year, underscoring every release that I enjoy immensely. I'm not expecting everything I, THE black sheep boy, enjoy to be praised to death, but, like, NONE? The lowest career score for Spoon's Hot Thoughts in March already lost a lot of goodwill, but now GB too? Fuck off, Pitchfork hacks.

They did somehow give the new Fleet Foxes and Broken Social Scene 8+ scores, not sure how those slipped through! And while those are both pretty solid, sorry, they're nowhere near as good as the new Grizzly Bear. Or Spoon, for that matter.

No, I'd say it's very 2017. This year alone, they have given their lowest scores EVER to: Spoon, Real Estate, Mew, Arcade Fire, Los Campesinos!, and now Grizzly Bear (probably others I didn't notice too). So, did tall those bands really make the shittiest album of their careers (yes to Arcade Fire, ok, I'll give them

What he say?? What he say??

FF7. Mario Kart 64. MIB. JP2. Austin Powers. GoldenEye (game, not movie). Good year!

Where's Men In Black? The Lost World Jurassic Park??

"Put a sock in it, Roy!" is a close runner-up, btw.

Homer's flippant "yeah hi, Roy" is probably my favorite quote from a highly quote-able (or so I hear?) episode. Very re-usable in real life too. (Just change out the "Roy" for the person in question in each situation!)

Same actor and character from 13 Reasons Why! So that's where he ended up after Clay handed over his taped rape confessions…

The 2nd control style (Solitaire?) was what I always used, my friends left it on whatever the default was. I always won. Coincidence? I think not. The joystick lets you look around 360 degrees, the 4 yellow buttons do not. So why would you want to look and aim with the 4 buttons and move up down left right with the

Wise decision to have Bronn operate the giant arrow weapon thingy. We like Bronn! But also fuck you Bronn, don't you dare kill one of Dany's dragons!

Yeah, I thought the raven thing was only slightly more obvious than a dragon, so it COULDN'T be that, but…. I guess it is. Kinda disappointing, but I dunno, maybe a human controlling a dragon would make it too easy. I don't read the books, but don't 3 people ride them in the books or something? At least that's a

How could Bran’s role moving forward not reference that “but you will fly” line from the (previous) 3-eyed raven? Are we really led to believe that the guy who can possess both man and beast will not, at some point, do so with one of Daenarys’ dragons? I was really hoping that was going to happen, bummer if not… I

Spoon has never dropped below 80, EVER. 7 albums and counting.