Black Sheep Boy

"Owned"? For using the old "I don't even know who you ARE (oooooohh!)" insult? Give me a break… Even if it's 100% true that she didn't know who Spade was, it's still lame and meaningless. "Owned"…

Mickey Mania <3

Buster Busts Loose? Loved that game.

Glad to see someone else mentioned Gaia. Pretty sure I liked it a lot, finished it, but don't remember the specifics other than I really enjoyed it. Might be time for a revisit!

As I said in another reply somewhere around here, just a few small details could've salvaged this shit plan. Like, tell the guy to wear a mask at the LEAST. Or tell him no violence/no guns/no one gets hurt. Emmit has a wife and kids too right? I mean, how cold is Ray exactly to not think any of this is worth a

Thank you, glad it wasn't just me. I mean damn, a few more details could've salvaged it. Make him wear a fucking mask at the least, Jesus.

Umm Earthworm Jim! Strange omission, that's a goddamn classic.

Suicide Squad too obvious? Too soon? Too shitty to even acknowledge?

Is that what that was? Yeesh.

There's "dumbass criminal" and then there's "I want this to fail and have zero expectation of this working and it makes no sense for me to do this, but…." and Hawley went with the latter, for some reason. Did I miss a scene where Ray goes into further detail on how he expected the stoned idiot to somehow manage

Yeah B+ is about right, not bad. A few gripes…

I keep the AC on all year round in my house at 32 degrees.

Oh c'mon, it was better than Suicide Squad. My last steaming pile of shit was also better than Suicide Squad.

So by doing this, he got the budget he wanted to go on and make a great movie… So this is a good thing! Way to go, Mel!

God dammit. While I agree the season 3 finale was a pretty good endpoint for the series, I was hoping to see what season 4 would look like out of morbid curiosity alone. I mean, I guess it would have dealt with newlywed couple issues just like it dealt with first date issues and short-term and long-term and all

Yeah, probably…. :-[

The whole review should have just been "Sucked. Stop watching this show." Which is what I'm finally doing, about 7 seasons too late. So long, suckers!

And Drake gets his own special individual review article, while Spoon (and Real Estate) are lumped into the multi-review article. Fuck you, AV Club.

Is Negan gonna hurt these women…?

Before this episode, I was randomly thinking "Will they ever show Martha again? They have to… probably not this season, but definitely next, before it all ends…" and then bam, there she is. The Americans, always subverting my expectations. They're good!