Black Sheep Boy

Last SEVEN* albums were* great.

Now how the hell do you leave off Real Estate's new album In Mind on March 17th? They've been consistently great, c'mon…

I should clarify, when I said bluntly "all rap sucks now?" it was more of a dig at Future, since this article says he's the current BEST!!! And if he really is the best the current scene has to offer… yikes. I'm sure if I did the level of digging I used to (I made probably around 400 all-rap mix CDs in the late 90s

If this guy is the "best rapper alive" then rap sucks right now I guess? I HONESTLY don't know, after a solid decade or so I gave up on it back in 2009 and stopped following it almost completely. Only dipping my toes back in the water here and there to check it out when there seems to be "the next big thing" or the

There's something about her I just don't like…. I assume that's just me…?

Ha, the two things you hated are the two I loved. But then again, to me, there is no such thing as "overproduction". He wants to throw seven separate pianists (or however many) on "We Need a Myth" with God knows how many other instruments all going off throughout? Go for it! Sounded good to me. If EVERY song was like

Get outta here… "Wake and Be Fine", "The Valley", "We Need a Myth", "Lay of the Last Survivor", "Piratess", "Rider", "Your Past Life as a Blast"… how is that weak!? Those are some of their best songs!

Huh… If you like Away a lot, I don't know if that means you'd LOVE all their other stuff, or HATE it. Because I am, at best, completely indifferent to Away, but love almost everything else they've done.

Whoa, c’mon Sam, I Am Very Far is just as good, if not
better in some ways, than all Okkervil River’s previous stuff! But at least you
kind of realized that with the “stupid ears” remark haha, so I can let that

Love these guys (and girl!). No Blues is not just my favorite LC album, but probably one of my favorite albums ever, so I'm really looking forward to hearing this follow-up. If the first 3 singles are any indication it's a good'n.

Is this a joke?

No… I just re-watched Pop-Pop, it has a lot of funny shit. CHARLIE AS BANE!

Agreed. Last week was an A. Oh alright, it was a little loose and sloppy, A LITTLE, so A-. Tonight's had a great premise, a lot of promise, a lot of truly funny gags and lines, but kinda fell apart at the end. An RPG? Why the fuck would Dennis want that?

Can't believe that Cricket exchange wasn't mentioned in the review, it was gold.

How Mac Got Fat is made up of 1/2 an episode from season 6 that was, I think, fully filmed and then scrapped. "The Gang Becomes Successful" or something like that, and it involved, well duh, the bar becoming a success. They were clever with the way they salvaged that for the "How Mac Got Fat" episode, it fit in pretty

Despite knowing about Maher for, I dunno, years and years now, I've never actually watched his show until last year. So I don't know enough to judge him fully, but I actually like a lot of what he says. And I dislike a lot too, especially after this Milo episode. The way he refuses to listen to guests when they try to

Has any other actor/actress been a lead star on TWO different shows at the same time like this before? And don't say "Bob Saget - Full House and America's Funniest Home Videos". I thought it wasn't even, like, allowed? I mean, I know FXX and Fox are all under the same corporate umbrella (right…?) which I'm sure is

I see some others already mentioned Star Trek. Good, it wasn't just me.

Ooh, a piece a candy!

Must have been. I wonder how the Trial episode would have been with Liam and Ryan in it… In fact, I wonder if they had to rewrite them out of it once they found out the availability wasn't gonna work. Would they really write a McPoyle episode and purposely leave out Liam and Ryan…? Seems unlikely. Should have just