Black Sheep Boy

That's right… Forgot that one, not my fave episode from last season. In fact, one of my least. Might be due for a re-watch, maybe I'll come around…

I just watched Suburbs again for like the 5th time. Still hilarious. All-time Sunny classic, without a doubt.

Which ARE then…? I guess maybe Wolf Cola? That one could have been stronger, but I'd still put it a peg above Water Park.


Not enough of this review was dedicated to Dennis' strange, shirtless-and-jeans, erotic stripper dance routine practice, where both reveals had me howling. First, going in for the kiss with Mac…. then, slamming the doors shut in Mac's face when it appeared once again he might be going for the kiss. Brilliant.

C+…? What on Earth…. Deja vu to last season with the way too low B- for Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs. This episode was as "classic" Sunny as a late-period Sunny episode could be, and most importantly, had me laughing out loud several times. Way better than the Water Park episode, without a doubt… Not sure what

Was just listening to some SSLYBY the other day, those guys were (are..?) good.

BSB is a high watermark for sure, but I'm not that overly critical, I loved I Am Very Far and The Silver Gymnasium just as much… It was only their latest album last year that left me completely cold, huge letdown.

Also Preoccupations while we're at it!

The premise being….indie rock is "dead"….?
I DON'T like them apples.

2016 - I don't care what anyone says, Shearwater's Jet Pland and Oxbow was the best album of the year. Pinegrove's debut Cardinal was up there too. And Woods - City Sun Eater in the River of Lights is probably my fave Woods album yet.

2015 - Viet Cong! (aka Preoccupations!) One of the best "debut" albums in a while. American Wrestlers self-titled debut was fantastic too. Ought back with their just as good if not better 2nd album… More from Tame Impala, Deerhunter, and Unknown Mortal Orchestra… And Titus Andronicus - The Most Lamentable Tragedy,

2014 - Ought's debut! I think they'll prove to be one of the best bands of the decade, b/c their follow-up may have been even better. (2014 also had more Spoon, War on Drugs, Wild Beasts, Real Estate doing some of their career-best work). Cymbals Eat Guitars LOSE probably their best album. Twilight Sad - Nobody Wants

2013 also had AM, which finally got me into Arctic Monkeys and is still pretty damn good to this day. Unknown Mortal Orchestra's awesome 2nd album was 2013 too, and they're always impressing me with innovative new shit…

2012 - You got all the best of the best I can remember from that year, so I'll toss in Ramona Falls - Prophet and Menomena - Moms for that year. Those guys have such innovative sounds in each successive album, like nothing else I've heard.

2011 - Also the Antlers - Burst Apart and Wild Beasts - Smother, War on Drugs - Slave Ambient, Real Estate - Days…. These are classics in my book.

Halcyon Digest ALONE in 2010 negates their "2009 was the last good year" bullshit… But as mentioned above, Spoon's Transference was also 2010 (you also left them off for They Want My Soul in 2014, c'mon now…) among a lot of other good shit.

And Spoon's highly underrated Transference, which was and still is amazing.

Burn After Reading had a similar device.

If we don't see an episode titled "Mac's Boyfriend" or "Mac Has a Boyfriend" or something along those lines before the series eventually ends (IF it ever ends…) I'll be shocked.