Black Sheep Boy

Uhh, the show airs on Wednesdays.

Lost is still the best pilot episode I've ever seen. Not sure anything can ever top that. Sometimes I wonder what the show could have been like if it all hewed slightly closer to the pilot, and first season in general, which was near-perfect.

After seeing "The Guest" I'm on board for anything Dan Stevens does, he has a very compelling on-screen presence. And then behind the scenes, Noah, Fargo, 'nuff said… Very happy to see a show that should be good, actually IS good.

In regard to "Dennis might be a killer", they still have (at least) two more full seasons of the show to go, so my assumption is they can't play that card QUITE yet. I'm still on the fence if I even want them to go that far and make it explicit (like Mac finally admitting to being gay last season) or if it's better to

I thought it was clear Charlie and Mac did not make the documentary themselves, it was just their idea or production or whatever, and they had hired pros shooting it and editing it etc. etc. They even had a "Producer" talk to them off-screen several times.


I remember it as part Alien, part something else I forget offhand, and Part Hellraiser-IN-SPACE. And that's a good combo.

Don't open……………………………………….that door!

I still loved 5, and finished it, but 6…. I tried, but it was just too different from the RE I knew and loved. The big change in RE4 was a step in the right direction, and still kept plenty of the old RE intact. RE5 was very similar (but a lot damn brighter) so no issues there. But 6… Def a misstep. I was upset seeing

Would have been cool to see a Resident Evil movie that ACTUALLY resembled the first game…

Go for it, go for it…

Oh ok no thanks then.

Love this show, but no one I know watches it and it doesn't seem to get THAT much love anywhere I frequent online, sadly. I'm kinda worried season 3 will be its last… Gotta wonder, too, if they really do marry Josh off this season, what would season 4 look like? I guess they could either do a full season of married

As always, I like to look up all the upcoming episode titles and descriptions (if available) for the season, and the next 5 episodes sound pretty great. I'm actually excited for the mundane sounding "The Gang Tends Bar" the most, for some reason. Any episode with the bar front and center to the plot piques my

Great from start to finish, classy Sunny, easily best episode of the season so far. Hard to believe this was written by two first-time Sunny writers, they nailed it, and it didn't feel like a fan spec script (like last week's…) despite all the callbacks. The callbacks worked seamlessly while adding some new layers and

Yeah, that's the issue with a show like Sunny, which went big right out of the gate (abortions, molestation, faking cancer, all in season 1!), it's very hard, in its friggin' TWELTH season, to go bigGER. Maybe I'm being too harsh, I should be happy they're still able to churn out new material (even if it is

Yeah, I mean, I guess… But we already saw him pretend to be a cop (IN full uniform!) and get free shit (the watch from the guy he threatened to "jam", great term) in a much much better, funnier episode and overall scenario. This just felt like a retread/weaker version, and just didn't do it for me. If you're gonna do

I guess my main issue is, then, that all those examples are classic Sunny scams. Big and stupid and ridiculous and inherently funny as hell. But this protégé thing, like I said above, stealing minor trinkets and a couple dollars and shitty water park food: who gives a shit!? And the "payoff" is that she scammed Dennis

Squandered, as in all they had Dennis do was teach her how to steal petty little shit and a few bucks and some free shitty food. I don't care about that, not sure why anyone would or does. In the grand scheme of all big Sunny schemes, it's extremely weak. (Do I need to say GIFT SHOP SUNGLASSES again!?) Not sure why

Any episode that lacks Eric Andre is a mistake if you ask me.