Black Sheep Boy


Yeah… those are all much much more inspired examples and way better payoffs and just…. better. Also see: Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare. Now that's a scam to get free shit I can get on board with! But in this episode, it all seemed so…. bleh. Using trash to get free food? Stealing a lady's iPad (or whatever) to have the

B+? Nah, this was pure C material, just like the last episode this same guy wrote last season, Dee Made a Smut Film. It felt very similar to that as well, like a fan spec script the producers said "ahh fuck it" and made anyway. He hits all the beats of a familiar Sunny story, but something is just….off. He's not

Season 3 is clunker-less, everyone knows this.

Great Caveman song playing over the end credits.

Oh wow, did not expect to see regular S3 coverage (WITH grades) for this show after it disappeared last season. Nice! The show felt a little different in the premier, a little off, but still funny. Looking forward to how a season-long relationship plays out though.

I don't think anyone has said this yet, but uhhhh Fuck 2016.

He admitted season 6 of 24 sucked, I respect that. And it did suck. A lot.

"One of the joys of consuming the sometimes frustrating series is watching Newton bloom in the role of the saloon madam Maeve, taking the character from passive participant in the park to take-no-prisoners hero."

These guys could make any song sound amazing. Not that "Frozen" is a bad song or whatever, I don't really know, never was a Madonna fan….

No Bart Simpson? Too obvious?

Now that took CLASS.

Thank you for the reply. I can't and don't disagree with anything you said, if it's just in the context of THAT scene and that episode only, then everything you said is correct. I just gave the writers some leeway since no single scene (or episode) is ever the full story in a show like this. I still think it's unfair

Agreed. Season 6 was the weakest season (imo) and stuff like that (Sansa thinking it's cool not to fill in Jon) are one of many reasons why. I didn't love or think Sansa's arc was perfect either, but I did enjoy that it ended with her in control, watching a powerless Ramsay get what he deserved.

I guess I could/should have been clearer: it's fine to disagree on the overall scene and storyline and repercussions and effects, etc. BUT it's flat out wrong to say it was all about Theon and motivating Theon and Theon's POV blah blah blah. What effect did it have? He became ehhh slightly less of a pussy, threw

So….nothing then? Just jumped in for a snarky response (ha, Janet Jackson song, good one! Darth Vader, even better!) and disappeared into the ether? Well alright then, you've provided nothing useful but hey you got some upvotes so that's pretty cool.

I wouldn't disagree with that. But again, I keep seeing the main issue with the scene is that it was ALL ABOUT THEON and motivating HIM, and if that scene is the only part I saw of the storyline (on a long, slow-moving, serialized show) then I would also agree 100%. But, as I just said - long, serialized, slow moving

Hey I didn't write it, but that's the route the writers chose to go with. It did change and empower her (I seen the show, it happened!), it showed the effects on her, not JUST Theon, not even MOSTLY Theon, like this argument is based on, that's all I'm saying.

So sick of hearing about the Game of Thrones scene. That one scene, yes, they chose to focus on Theon, for one of MANY reasons. Not because it ONLY effects him and not Sansa at all, like all the detractors seem to argue. It was also ONE scene in a larger storyline. When viewed in full, it absolutely was about Sansa

Spoon's entire catalogue. (But especially "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb")