Black Sheep Boy

Why would you get in trouble? It's just pika— oh my god….

Well as long as he almost feels bad.

That's all we get on Oz!? "Yeah I was in Oz, it was good, funny guys, good writing." Pshh.

Hmmm….still gross.

Which makes me wonder, if Van picked him up from the house of a woman he just slept with, without him having a chance to wash/clean up, then went to that party, then had sex with him in the car after…. Kinda gross, no? It's not like Van didn't know about it either, she saw the girl… Not sure what to make of that.

It was still better than Origins though…. Like, by a lot.

Ehh… How about Day of the Dead? That was better. That one I can get behind. Hell, Land of the Dead was better. The idea of Dawn of the Dead was better than the movie actually is.

I actually liked the fast/sprinting zombies in the 2004 version, it made sense. Sara Polley's husband in the movie, for example, was an able-bodied man who had JUST been killed. So hell yeah, sure he can still run! Why wouldn't he be able to? Now if you have a decaying corpse that's been dead for years and they crawl

Dawn of the Dead (2004), remake of Dawn of the Dead (1978).

An all-time classic. I literally, LITERALLY, just last night looked through my old SNES games and came across Lemmings. I wanted to hook up my SNES and play it so bad, but I did not… :-[ I've also never finished every level of the game, which still haunts me. One day…. One day!

Another great album by one of the best bands making music today. These guys can do no wrong in my book.

AND Christopher Lloyd. (Or "Hey Doc Brown from Back to the Future!" as my childhood self proudly recognized)

I sparked the hell out of that shit til it sparked no more…. :-[

So no more regular coverage of The Strain, huh? Was this due to lack of clicks on those reviews or lack of the show being very good?

Where are the new Okkervil River and Local Natives reviews?


NJ. Might just be my circle of friends, they've never had good taste or really ventured much outside of the mainstream. So lame.

Eh, might have been better this way. Certainly couldn't be any worse.

Piece of shit Thing remake.

Get out of my head. I've been saying that to my friends for years. The heavy-CGI movies of the late 90's/2000's are gonna be long forgotten and are already extremely dated-looking. CGI looks fake because it's fake. Audrey II and all the goblins in Labyrinth and the creatures in the Dark Crystal and Neverending Story