
I tried a bunch of things, and then read about YNAB a few months ago somewhere on a lifehacker article, and it has literally changed my life. You Need A Budget. I know I did.

The best time to invest is 20 years ago. The second best is today.

Probably a dumb question (or one that has been covered elsewhere), but for our young man in the Fiesta ST, Does the term matter if you’re planning on making over payments from month to month? Let’s say he doubles the monthly payment every month and (bad math, I know) pays off his 84 month term in 48 months.

I’m impressed how accurately they judged where the water line for the splash would stop. Clearly they have done this before.

As a programmer person, I can confirm that being able to write clearly is a big deal in this industry. It’s amazing how many decent programmers people are hard to work with because they simply cannot communicate clearly.

As a programmer, I can confirm that being able to write clearly is a big deal in this industry. It’s amazing how many decent programmers are hard to work with because they simply cannot communicate clearly.

I feel like this is apropos:

Too many people think software development is easy.

Ugh, I've had to have this conversation with friends and family so much lately. Yes I could write your app, but no it's not as simple or cheap as you think.

Love that this announcement came today of all days.... ;-)

Still a bargain at $150, but I'm not sure how they'll make this work profit-wise.

But its are to say if this really is the one, or just one among many.

We shouldn't celebrate apps that look and work well? Does it really matter how long it took to make? And if it's so easy, where is your list of great apps?

Being a programmer at some point is about experience and working on projects of your own or as part of a team, and making your own mistakes. This is especially a tough one for new graduates to grasp.

fits...barely. although you'd have to have really good aim to try to drift under the truck

Pretty much. A high-level programming language would probably teach a novice about the principles of programming more effectively. It's really easy to get bogged down in the minutiae of C.

You forgot reason zero.

Conclusion: People are idiots. Which is why even though everyone with a brain knows that gasoline will be $4, $5, or even $6 a gallon in 2 years, it's $2 a gallon today and tons of folks will be buying V8 SUV's, and then expect the government to 'do something about it' when the price goes back up. It's "The Marching

One of my old managers' mantra was something to the effect of "if you can't figure out how to do your job in about 40 hours every week, you probably don't belong here."

How is this any different from those of us who spend hours reading books and have been doing so since childhood? This whole, "technology is ruining everything" has to stop. Long before I had a smart phone I was avoiding people in buses/trains/waiting rooms by looking down at a book.