“10%-30% APR” If one doesn’t have a cheaper way to fund the travel one really needs to consider not doing the travel!
“10%-30% APR” If one doesn’t have a cheaper way to fund the travel one really needs to consider not doing the travel!
Its these kinds of little articles that keep me as a faithful Lifehacker reader. You’ve got the links, detailed instructions, rationale for both taking action and for letting the status quo remain.
I wear my Trekz Air’s for about 6 or 7 hours a day - from the gym, to the bike, to work, to pretty much anywhere I can socially acceptably be wearing headphones, I just never really take ‘em off any more. Obviously, sound quality’s lacking as hell, but I don’t get hit by cars like the dumbasses wearing circumaural…
I wear my Trekz Air’s for about 6 or 7 hours a day - from the gym, to the bike, to work, to pretty much anywhere I…
By the time you are taxing someone making $10,000,000 using marginal tax rates you are taxing the VAAAAAAAAAAST majority of his or her income at the 70% rate.
There aren’t any pedestrians on the Bay Bridge, which confused the Mustangs. They wandered ‘round and ‘round searching fruitlessly for a crowd.
Tried to make one month disposable contact lenses last for a month an a half to two months. I was careful cleaning them and figured since I only wore them about three days a week, I could justify stretching them out a bit. Nope. Wound up with a bad ulcerated cornea and multiple visits to an ophthalmologist, who said I…
Assuming 20 percent body fat he has a FFMI of 29.6 which is in the “Highly unlikely to be obtained naturally without steroid usage”. Even 25 percent body fat he is still in the questionable without PED range.
This photo is NOT a NYC bus. No one is fucking smiling on NYC public transit. No one sane.
It’s a good start. I just find ynab to be so transformative in how I approach my money. I’d have like 30 accounts if I opened one for every category I have there
I use You Need a Budget to do this. It is less fiddle than having multiple accounts and you don’t have to worry about transferring money between them.
This seems like it would be subject to a lot more overhead costs than is strictly necessary. A better option (in my opinion) is to use a tool like GNUcash (my choice), YNAB, Quickbooks, or something similar.
I track all of my spending to see how it relates to my spending, and you can create sub “savings accounts” under…
You start by doing a deep dive on your own income and expenses instead of being sarcastic to someone who put out a solid article. Do you need internet if you get it on your cell? What expenses does “food” comprise of? At the end of the month do you say “well, we only have $1.20 in savings, might as well spend it”?…
Or... You could use budgeting software (like YNAB) and create the buckets virtually without the complications of setting up multiple saving accounts. Yo will always know exactly how much you have in each category and will have the flexibility to “move money around” if necessary without bank transfers or ATW…
If only it were that simple. I know you were just making light of the subject. But this also factors into the natural AND socially learned / trained differences between men and women.
I think the correct answer is something like sqrt(2) times per week, because sex is so irrational. Really good sex should happen \pi times a month, because it’s a transcendental experience. And the really kinky stuff maybe 1 + i times a year, because it gets complex....
Definition of a Nymphomaniac: Someone who wants to have sex one more time than you do.
Very helpful tip for anyone with this card:
NEVER EVER apply your rewards balance as Amazon credit! Because if you do you will NOT get 5% rewards for any purchases made with that credit. Instead you should apply your rewards balance as a statement credit! Then whatever you buy still earns rewards.
The PROBLEM there is that you don’t actually get 5%, because when you spend that credit balance on Amazon, you aren’t getting 5% on those purchases, that why you should ALWAYS take your award balance with Amazon Visa as a statement credit.
That’s true, but I never do that. I apply my Discover points to my bill. If you use them to pay for things on Amazon, you miss out on earning more points on that purchase.
I tried a bunch of things, and then read about YNAB a few months ago somewhere on a lifehacker article, and it has literally changed my life. You Need A Budget. I know I did.