
The truck driver already was hitting on her.

Zoom! Zoom!, bitches.

The culture around work in Germany is so different. When I lived there, I thought I was impressing my bosses by staying in the office longer than everyone else. In reality, they just thought that I was too inefficient to get my work done in the 7.5 hours allotted to me.

Easy way to cut out a lot of those costs - don't have a car. My folks to drive me to college at the beginning of school (they wanted to see me off anyway) and picked me up for break and at the end of the semester. I never had to pay for parking, maintenance, and only had to chip in a couple bucks for gas if I wanted

The main problem with riding on the sidewalk (apart from the danger to pedestrians) is right turns. Bikes on the sidewalk are removed from the traffic lane, and thus one level removed from drivers' attention. When a driver wants to make a right turn into a driveway or parking lot, it's much easier for them to check

You know, I wasn't here to start a fight, but you sir are an ass. " "dooring"—you mean the bicyclist failed to look out for opening car doors, don't you?" How is that any worse than me saying "Man, that kid really should have looked before he chased his ball into the street and I killed him". Way to victim blame.

Until the car doesn't see you on the sidewalk and runs you over when you're riding through an intersection. When you're a part of traffic it at least helps make you more visible.

There is no situation where riding on the sidewalk makes sense. Business and residence doors open onto sidewalks. Would you like your grandmother to walk out a shop and be ridden over by a bicyclist?

I bike to work each morning, doing so, the lights are not on timers and have the sensors in the road. Depending on conditions of the sensors my bike may or may not activate the light change. So I normally just assume its not going to work and pull up to the pedestrian crosswalk and push the button. On one occasion I

I like bikes only when they follow the road rules to the letter. Just like all car drivers do. Car drivers never ever run red lights. And when they do, it's harmless. But this one time I saw a cyclist running a red light and I think all cyclists should stop running all the red lights all the time because it's really

really? Come on now... Seriously??!?

FirstEnergy Stadium.