
No wonder kids are so fucked up these days. Their Saturday morning cartoons have been repaced by "educational" brainwashing garbage. At least give them something decent like Reading Rainbow.

Im just glad to see Enterprise getting some love. I know it gets a lot of flack but I loved that show.

Agreed 100%. Paid day 1 DLC is wrong. They should take that content and roll it up into a bigger update. Also im tired of the increasing cost of expansion packs. I bought RoS for Diablo 3 and its great but not $40 great. It mostly fixed issues with the base game.

Diablo 3 and Metro Last Light. Eventually need to finish the DLC for Bioshock Infinite.

Hmm I hope they learned from their mistakes with Windows 8. I guess we'll see when it comes out.

South Korea is big into PC gaming, aint got no time for consoles.

These are the recommended settings not the minimum. Im sure the min will be closer to a Core 2 Duo, 2 Gb RAM, and a GTX 260.

I started a new Seasonal character and was up to level 70 in about 15 hrs. I did not have anyone boost me. The trick is you have to challenge yourself and use XP boosts like ruby in a helm.

Oh just like when they remade the first game?

Hell no, short of a decent PC you're out of luck. Console version doesnt count.

I know you're comment is a little old but I did want to point out something that a lot of people overlook: the hardware. OEM built PCs are crap because they use the cheapest components they can get away with, especially true for laptops. Apple puts decent quality PC components in their computers which is why they're

I dont care what they call it, start bring them to the U.S. again.

lol thats great

Looks interesting, any rumblings about a PC version in the works?

Trust you wouldnt have wanted that hot mess that came out 2 yrs ago.

As for what socket to put in a weapon go with an emerald, especially later in the game.

I have to agree that Silent Cartographer is the best level in the Halo series. I still think the original game (not the remake) is the best of the bunch.

Some vehicles are clearly marketed towards a particular gender. Plenty of women drive pick up trucks but they're clearly marketed towards men. Im sorry but a Miata is a femenine car. Even Mazda realizes this and is making the new model more masculine.

If the quality is anything like their cheap aftermarket parts count me out for sure. Bleh.

Ironic since I get yelled at for riding in the road around here (it is a road bike). Got told to stay on the sidewalk lol.