
Agreed with everything on this list except for the Lotus Elise, I think they look fairly unique especially the Exige.

My PS3 is the only console I have left. Mostly use it for blu ray and Netflix though.

Its both. The new consoles are using standard PC hardware (x86 based CPU and AMD GPU) but they're weak. The consoles have 8 core CPUs but they're based on Bobcat architecture which is essentially a netbook CPU. The GPU is about 4-5 yrs old.

Hearthstone is on PC/MAC too. I would agree that mobile platforms are not as rigid but they also tend to be quite volatile. You could be on top of the world but then next week people have moved on to something else. I dont really see mobile and console in the same market anyway.

I thought it looked pretty good... until i looked up an original Mark 2. Why would you get rid of the original bumpers?!?!

I use mostly olive oil for cooking. Coconut oil is great for skin care and other purposes ;)

I never feel like im waiting for things to load on my PC but if i did get a SSD it would be this one. Make it $200-$250 and im in.

I never feel like im waiting for things to load on my PC but if i did get a SSD it would be this one. Make it

What does it matter what race your friends are? I have friends who are black, hispanic, and indian. They're just like everybody else.

Especially in recent times...

Anti-theft device - manual transmission. Just another benefit to owning a manual. Also really sad that so many people cant drive them or dont want to learn.

He was able to finish off Sean Bean faster than Prince Joffrey did lol.

Thats because it was designed for consoles. PC players were just beta testing to find out what works/doesnt work and in the end the console version still has features we dont get. Enjoy it cause you guys are now foing to be their target audience.

I bet it gets super hot in your lap. How hot does it get Mike?

Why would you want a mid engine Corvette anyway? They already have a 50/50 weight distribution.

The violence definitely came first. SWAT teams were created to stop criminals armed with full auto weapons and situations with hostages. These people in Ferguson want to violently protest then thats what they get. Key word being violent.

It didnt sell well because they threw in a bunch gear that you buy with real money. I didnt buy it because its an EA game and thus requires Origin.

MACs dont make great gaming systems because of the OS (based on Unix). The hardware inside is pretty much identical to any PC. You're paying for the brand name. Dont worry though, with Linux gaming gaining ground im sure MAC will tag along too.

Yeah well thats like 99% of the movies made these days, its all sequels remakes and crap. Its been so long since Ive actually gone to a movie theater, last one I saw was Secret World of Arriety.

Maybe they're not neccessarily holding a grudge, perhaps everyone remembers what Nintendo did thats part of the reason 3rd parties dont want to support their systems. Just a guess.

Its a shame we cant have a civilized discussion about what happened without it turning into a racist arguement and that we must compare real life events to a video game.