
Here in Ohio and many other states there are signs clearly stating that the left labe is to be used for passing. The highway patrol never enforces this. They need to make it a law and also prevent semis/heavy trucks from using the left lane. At least then we could have one lane where they're not chucking rocks at us.

It's kinda funny that people hold Japanese cars to such a high standard. Most cars will be just fine if the owner takes care of them. My Saturn is 8 years old, runs great, and has only needed regular maintenance.

I like the idea of a self driving car but at the same time I think people should own up to the consequnces of their actions. By that I mean they need to come down harder on bad drivers. Texting while driving should be treated as criminal offenses like a DUI and maybe have their license/car taken away. Another idea

Actually yes many countries would be better off if the U.S. hadnt stuck their noses where it didnt belong. These events were put into motion when George W. Bush thought it would a great idea to invade Iraq. Saddam was terrible but he also kept the region in balance.

Still playing Diablo 3 :)

Lol might as well strap a rocket to the next version.

There is a simple solution: Make texting while driving equiv to a DUI. Hell I would argue that at least the drunk is trying to watch the road.

Agreed that it doesnt matter what kind of bike or style or riding you’re into but I have to disagree about gear. Riding around in shorts and sandals without a helmet is just stupid. Would you drive a car without wearing a seat belt?

I respectfully disagree. GM has been making solid cars for a long time. Yes there were a few crappy models but all manufacturers have been there at some point.

I see you have a lovely picture of my first car :) (I had a 87 Buick Lesabre).

Tetrahydrocannabinol. It’s the chemical in marijuana that gets you high.

Salt is horrible for the environment, vehicles, and infrastructure. Im for anything that replaces it.

You can still get decent traction in snow especially if you want winter tires. You’ve got like no traction on ice without chains/studs. Gotta go real slow.

ABS sucks. Most newer cars ive driven the ABS is overly aggressive and will actually stop you from maximizing braking.

CP but id still take it over a used Focus. Those old Escorts were pretty reliable.

I dont get all this talk about car sharing. I prefer to own a car amd drive it whenever I want. Also, has anyone else even thought about maintenance on a shared vehicle? Who pays for it? Can you trust others to properly care for it?

Sorry but it’s not a truck. I would classify it as a Ute (think El Camino). Not a bad thing and Honda is clearly targeting a different market than the typical truck buyer.

Yeah because the Steelers are known for playing dirty but if a other team gets upset by it and starts playing rough suddenly they are the bad guys. The refs practically gave the Steelers the win.

Just what distracted drivers need, more screens to stare at.

Finally bringing back the Astra or is this some kind of reject version of the Cruze? Love my Astra, would buy another.