

tinder Nier purchaser spotted 

She’s literally a stranger on an app and owes you nothing. Relax. You’re not owed closure. It’s always dudes getting immediately attached on the apps and it’s sad. It’s embarrassing.

Glory to mankind.

That’s because your relatives don’t actually care about any others. So something like this case will never register with them.

North Korea always strikes as what a nation would look like if you gave Donald Trump full control over a nation.

Yea I did the math on this a while back and figured that with the small number of color prints I need per year, it’ll be cheaper to get it done at a fedex print place and local pharmacy for photos. For 99% of home needs, a black and white laser printer is a better deal

im tired of them shoving this stuff in our faces. i mean, come on, another british character? uninstalled

So in short, it’s not the NFT that’s making the game irremovable but the distributed file system the data is hosted on. So it’s more of a piracy problem than a crypto one, since torrents work pretty much the same way.

I think your dog might be racist. 

So, you're 80?

Congratulations Republicans!

Rageaholic. No drivers license and no guns. Mandatory counseling. The Jeep is sold for damages.

The only way to stop a bad person with a Jeep, is a good person with a Jeep.

You have to be pretty myopic to think DeSantis is somehow better than Trump. Trump is an idiot. Certified. Proven. He is a parrot and he has crippling narcissism. These qualities make him incapable of being truly horrifying. As fucked as that is to say. It’s our reality.

If modern Christians can pretend that Jesus is white, why can’t video games pretend anyone is white?

I’d say less “chose not to say anything” and more “too tired and beaten down to bring it up”. QA work is exhausting, and it can really burn someone out who is just trying to do regression tests and making sure everything in the game matches what’s on the sheet.

A thing that I realized recently is that the people who are really pushing this are investors, and for them ‘making more money’ IS a leisure activity, and they can’t fathom that for a lot of people who work 40-60 hours a week to make their rent and expenses need to draw a hard line between ‘work’ and ‘leisure’ or else

As long as you’re abiding with your subscription threshold, it would be total BS for Netflix to hit you with a fee for simultaneous viewing

There are literal active war zones that have a lower mortality rate than parts of Conservative America. There are 3rd world countries with higher quality of living that parts of Conservative America.