I think it’s less about horny jail and making the sexy have a mechanic rather than just being eye candy.
I think it’s less about horny jail and making the sexy have a mechanic rather than just being eye candy.
Article title kind of misleads you about what the interesting part was; they figured out how to attach a freaking dGPU to a router. LOL. Getting Vice City to run on it was kind of the victory lap.
Thanks to Phillippe, I’m extremely comfortable not owning this game, not playing, and most of all not giving Ubisoft any money for it at all.
No, the EOMM model has been demonstrated by a number of people’s investigations. You can test it yourself, reverse boosting is real and it doesn’t take much. Just tank your stats for a few games and you will get one of the most ridiculous lobbies you’ve ever seen.
The thing about how CoD Engagement Optimized Matchmaking works is that it isn’t a skill rating match. It looks at your last couple of match performance as well as your ELO. It then decides what lobby to match you on based on how your performance has been; if you are having a string of bad matches, it down-matches you…
It’s not skill based match making.
I mean, we already know the big stuff. Articles like this are more of a “here’s another stupid thing about this failure of a human being” sort of thing. Everyone here already knows the big points.
It does seem very generic. When I first started hearing about this two or three years ago, I thought the name and general art direction was super uninspiring, but the game is essentially a love letter to all the classic CoD lovers that just want a pure first-person arcade-style arena shooter without all the strange…
Complains about a thought out article discussing an attempt to play a game in a non-standard way. Kotaku commenters at their typical. lol
As an old school gamer, obscure secrets like this always bugged me cause it feels like the classic trick of making things so obscure you’d have to call a hint hotline or buy a strategy guide at the store.
Article doesn’t make it clear, but this is a dress-code issue. There are a number of rules regarding player attire at official competitions, and it is specifically because players are essentially representing the league during competitions. League thinks open toes shoes are too casual, and they want the players…
That’s the part that really confuses me about it. What’s the point of “following” someone if it doesn’t affect your feed? Like... maybe I’m just old, but if I find someone, click ‘follow’, I would assume that there would be a “stuff from people you follow” page. Absolutely destroys my mind.
I hated the control. Trying to play the game felt like one of those dreams where you can’t run or walk, like you’re underwater and just can’t get your feet planted. Detested it.
A bad UI competition? I can just hear half of the Google management yelling “Hold my beer!”
That’s kind of the other issue with applying the rules of war to Tarkov — Scavs are technically ‘locals’ and while the looters/paramilitary operators (players) may view the Scavs as criminal-gang/enemy combatants trespassing a no-go zone, the Scavs could also be seen as trying to restore order to the area and see the…
Rules of engagement and the Geneva Convention would dictate that military forces should not be engaging in combat in close proximity to civilians and give civilians the ability to retreat from proximate combat zones whenever possible — this is why Russia’s behavior in Ukraine, particularly in regards to Mariupol, has…
Cheat developers have known about these for a while. It’s a classic problem for them because they can’t intrinsically tell that a specific memory value is a trap or not.
Nishio Ishin is renowned for trying to make his writing difficult to follow. For native Japanese. I got nothing but respect for anyone that puts up with translating even a single chapter of his bullshit.
There is a special place in eternal return-shelf purgatory for these book banners trying to pretend they aren’t book banners.
You are right in that there are a bunch of toxic assholes being toxic assholes in those lobbies. And I’ve certainly had a fair amount of shit thrown my way, both for my handle (similar to shown here, insert N-word and related trash), but even despite that, I usually don’t get hard focused in a lobby, if there’s a…