
Does Sony pay you to diss these articles?

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

Did the cops hug him and give him some warm milk and cookies afterwards like they do with all the other white supremacist mass murderers?

You don’t have to pay people during FMLA leave, but if you don’t bring somebody back after it is over you better be able to show a damn good reason why that is completely unrelated to the leave.

They address that in the article you didn’t read:

Wait I thought the right always complained when there was politics in our entertainment?

Nordic Empire Games”

hope that made u feel better

I can’t believe that there is something in a Mitsubishi showroom that I would like less than a Mirage.

If I had the money laying around for this - i would rather buy 4 million people any size soft drink at McDonalds

The title makes it sound like Twitter reinstated him.

“All those other ones are fake accounts and they’ve been using my name out there, so we started this account,” Lindell reportedly said in his video.

LOL, it took me a while to realize that guy thought the OP was suggesting cannibalism. HAHA.  I mean, unless he is also a floating fairy-like creature with an addiction to eating and grave-robbing for treasure.

It’s a running gag that the adorable annoying mascot character Paimon is emergency food.

Nah, I’d bet they are targeting supply trucks. Reports have the Russian army sometimes having to resort to civilian pickups because their military trucks are poorly maintained. They are literally using pickups to deliver things like artillery shells.

Really? Seems like a lot of extra work! Every couple of weeks, I just swap around the dog and baby bowls.

Which in turn will provide an opportunity for a certain commenter here to tell us why we’re the morons, and NFTs are Great, Actually.

you sound like a left lane camper

I wonder how different this stop would have been if the car was black.

Nah it’s cool, some guy in a previous comment section said that if the NFT game goes down you can just take your assets and magic them into the next NFT game somehow.